Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I'm sure I'm not alone as the Year is winding down... you kinda can't help but get nostalgic... but I'm not going off on that, so you can relax. Seems to be A LOT of "computer" issues going on as I've been getting an avalanche of phone calls... A word to the wise - BACK-UP anything that's important to you NOW! Don't say you haven't been warned.

Not surprisingly every one's got a different problem so each takes some heavy thinking to resolve. My poor brain feels bruised. Now I'm not looking for sympathy, just stating a fact. I'll be fine, it's what I do. Seems as though most every one's had a "good" Christmas so that's welcome news. Of course out Government's still a bit of a disappointment and the News Media seems bent on continuing to make something out of nothing, just to have "news!" Geesh!!

But all of that didn't seem to matter much, after I watched this little comic gem, sent by Dan's Mom Katheryn, that still has me chuckling. Have a look and see for yourself. ANIMAL CRACKERS And that'll probably be it for me until after the New Year. MARTY DREAD is playing at LYC for our New Year's Eve party (that's a big deal around these parts, as we Maui Folks know) so I plan to drop in for that. Saturday of course is the Rose Parade and then the Rose Bowl, amongst a few other Bowl Games. So everyone have a SAFE & MERRY. See you next year!

"The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it." - Jean-Paul Sarte

Sunday, December 26, 2010


We had a nice surprise visit from "Auntie" Bonnie Nelson (Moma Duma aka Queen Bee) on Christmas Day, and after snapping away all afternoon she put together another GREAT Jones' Family Christmas Video which can be SEEN HERE.

This year Kelly's Daughter Madison was the "star" - quite the fashion statement she makes. Hailey managed her trademark "pout" to greet Bonnie with, but finally came around before she left. Anyway, it's easy to see everyone had a good time.

...and then came the 12 DAYS "AFTER" CHRISTMAS...

OK, come on... admit it, you've been WAITING for this one (or maybe dreading it...) - so I had to do it. For those of you who lead sheltered lives (like me) and hadn't heard this before, it's a hoot. I did some checking so you wouldn't have too, and this version is pretty good. The Gal singing it does a great dead pan delivery (you won't want the volume up too high) but the best part is the Guy in the background. Way too funy.

And so, for your enjoyment (I hope) the TWELVE DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS.

"The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese." – Steven Wright

Saturday, December 25, 2010

... and at last, The 12th DAY OF CHRISTMAS



Here's wishing everyone a terrific day with Family & Friends or whatever floats your Reindeer. Remember, most of all - we want to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS" as that is truly what Christmas is all about.

Of course the "Christmas Tree" is a big part of any Christmas decorations, with the all too familiar ANGEL on the top... well here's a cute little "card" (thank you Jannette Knowley) with the Angel reminding us of where Christmas came from. When it's finished, you'll notice at the bottom of the card, is a link if you want to know MORE about Christmas Trees... for those who want to know, you'll enjoy it.

I hope you've enjoyed my little bloggish lead up and if nothing else are comfortable that it's not about the $$$ - that's just Marketing hype that we've all grown up with. "WE" can change it, and it's about high time we did...

So to close out my little Christmas vignette, here is a version of our 12 Days I hope everyone can find something to enjoy about it. It's a bit dated, and in black & white - but it is "family" and it's a good down home country setting, so kick back and listen to Mr. Johnny Cash and Mrs. June (Carter) Cash and friends...

Well, next on the horizon is NEW YEARS - and won't that be fun. CHEERS EVERYONE. And remember, this Guy loves you, each and every one. PEACE, LOVE & GROOVY YA'LL.

Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. If we think on these things, there will be born in us a Savior and over us will shine a star sending its gleam of hope to the world." ~ Calvin Coolidge

Friday, December 24, 2010



Man oh man oh man! We're sooooo close now I can hardly stand it!

Yep, here we are, CHRISTMAS EVE. Tomorrow's the big day. How many of you are fretting over last minute shopping? Too bad - plenty of time (like a whole year) to be thinking of what you wanted to do for whomever you wanted to do it. Me, I'm going SAILING - and then it's off to Amanda's to spend the night as there's no greater joy for me than those two cherubic little ones, Hailey & Tyler. Also looking forward to see my other two "angels" Madison & Grayson who will be having Christmas Eve with their Nana Anne.

So, ELEVEN PIPERS PIPING... and one of the things they're piping about is STEVE JOYCE'S BIRTHDAY. Happy B-Day Steve. Steve has the dubious honor of sharing the same birth year as I do. More notably, he is the Father of my Dear Friend Ms. Emily who spent a good part of this past year in Moscow "Clowning around," (actually doing volunteer work at an orphanage). And not to be left out let's say HOW DEE DO to Mom Mikie who also shares the same Birth year as Steve & I, and is the Daughter of my very special Club 33 Benefactor. Here's wishing a Merry Christmas and a Safe and prosperous New Year to the whole Joyce Family in Boise, ID and sundry other scattered places.

And with one final nod to the "nostalgia" of the Season, here's another Queen Bee (thank you Auntie Bonnie) IMovie from 2009, with (of course) Tyler, Hailey & Santa...

Oh, and before I go for today, with the "Piper's Piping" and "nostalgia" in mind, I've got one more gem I'm compelled to share... this one's been going around the Internet recently, as well it should, called A DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS POEM, and it's really a tribute or dedication to our Military, serving here and abroad to protect our Freedoms, a part of which allows us to have such a great time as Christmas. I doubt I'll ever be thought of as a "tree hugger" but I hope everyone will remember me, at least in part, as a Flag Waver. If you know someone in the Military, or their Family, share this with them, even if they've heard it, they'll still know that SOMEONE CARES. And that matters. God Bless the Red, White & Blue!

"What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal, and that every path may lead to peace."
~ Agnes M. Pahro

Thursday, December 23, 2010



And what could these guys all be jumping around about??? Heck if I know, but maybe it's because RUDOLPH the RED NOSED REINDEER would soon be on his way... "Everybody" knows the story of Rudolph and Santa... sort of anyway. But DID YOU KNOW that Gene Autry first recorded the song that is the SECOND most popular song of all time (behind Bing Crosby's White Christmas)? Or that the song was written by Johnny Marks, the Brother-in-law of Rudolph's Author, Bob May? CLICK HERE for the full story.

And OK, I must confess... there's more to the "10 Lords" than I let on... Now, these guys aren't exactly jumping all around, but vocally, they sure do... AND there's ten of them. Check out the 12 Days of Christmas sung by STRAIGHT NO CHASER. (For any of you who don't know, but would care to know, CLICK HERE to find out what a DREIDLE is.)

And GUESS WHAT!?? Yep, there's more... ’ One of the more popular items circulating the FORWARDING chasms of the Internet is the DIGITAL VERSION of the NATIVITY STORY Now I've had several chances to see this lately, and for whatever reason decided to pass over it… and I tend to look at everything partly because I just hate to think I'd miss something and also to try and keep up with Friend’s “questions” about such and such with regards to computing.

But it came from Donna (Larson) Eide, a dear Friend and LHS Alumni, and I found thinking of her, it put me in a rather pleasant disposition frame of mind, and I decided to watch it. Well what a treat! Very clever and I just simply got to include it here. For anyone “computerish” it’s way too funny, and I didn’t feel that it in anyway disrespected the story of Christ’s birth. Quite the contrary. It's actually a rather contemporary take on the whole thing. And if you're NOT into the computer thing, it might not make much sense.

Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect." ~ Oren Arnold

Wednesday, December 22, 2010



Well, after going with the "feminine" thought line yesterday I'm not even going to try again with the Ladies today, dancing or otherwise. However, I do think something a little "light" would be in order, and we do want to get back on the KIDZ level, after all, it's ALMOST Christmas! So, here's a rendition by JOHN DENVER accompanied by a familiar group of friends...

And with "dancing" in mind, I didn't want to just do something "Dancing with the Stars" related and there's a synchronized Robot dancing one going around that's cute, but I found the obscure and short one from Hong Kong that's interesting... well, at least for the Kidz...

My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" ~ Bob Hope

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


OK, now don't be thinking I've gone TO THE DARK SIDE... I just had to give a nod to "the Other Guys." Tomorrow we're back to Uncle Walt & Friends...


And the 8th day, Eight Maids a Milking... which naturally puts me in mind of all things Female. As pictured above, the little Dutch girls bring to mind old Friend and sailing partner Barbi (Melama) Iaconetti, now up in Lynden, Washington raising a wonderful Family. I worked with Barbi and her (now) husband Captain Bob aboard the KIELE V, the (also) old Maui Hyatt's luxury sailing Catamaran.

Which in turn brings to mind... all the Ladies who are Dear to me (in no particular order) - Kelly & Amanda; Mom Dorothy of course; Sister Karen; Wendy, Brittany, Madison, and Hailey; Kristie, Kari, Gayle & Evie, Mary, Debbie & Nadine; Emily, Leslie Galore, Stephanie, Leatha, Cara, Sherry Lynn, Hana, Lynae, Lea, Heidi, Lori, Jannette & Mary Lou, Jan & Mary Ann, Sam & Charlie & Bonnie at the Bank, Sherian, Shannon and Sara & Nancy too; Pat, Kathy, the other Kathy, Jilly, Judy, Wendy "O", Bonnie, Bee & Doris, Becky, Diana, Ms. Nancy, and Kathy K; Emma, Jennifer, Jen, Jenna & Fawn; RSVP Emilie, Edie, Susan; Franci, Amy, Katie, Carol, Janie, Shelley & Kathie and Debi; Aunt Elaine, Claudia, Ramona, Roberta, CeCe, Laura, Linda E and Linda D, Tina, Cyndi & Peggy; and Nicole, Jill, Barbara, Holly, Dominique, Susan, Sharon, Donna and Donna, Kathy; Chris & Erin, Katherine, and not to be left out, Anne of course.

Whew! And to be sure there are others, near and far whos absence from this list is only because I haven't had the pleasure of any recent contact, and so are not forefront on me mind. And so my Dear Ladies, it is my heartfelt wish that you have music in your hearts and a spring in your step, and may you dance merrily through the day. OK, I know, "9 Ladies Dancing" is tomorrow, but somehow it's just not the same to wish you all Merry Milking! Anway, I love you all dearly and thank you for allowing me to share in whatever part of your lives we have. God Bless.

And with it being only "5 MORE DAYS TIL' CHRISTMAS" I just had to share this little 2008 IMovie from Auntie Bonnie Nelson (Momma Duma) featuring Amanda's little cherubs, Tyler & Hailey and SANTA CLAUS. What can I say, I'm just a proud Grandpa!

And also for you, Dear Ladies, todays entertainment is brought to us by THE KING. No, not Baby Jesus our Christmas King, but a more earthly version, from the Entertainment Industry - Mr. ELVIS PRESSLEY, singing BLUE CHRISTMAS. This is for you GIRLS, enjoy.

"There's more, much more, to Christmas
Than candlelight and cheer;
It's the spirit of sweet friendship
That brightens all year.
It's thoughtfulness and kindness,
It's hope reborn again,
For peace, for understanding,
And for goodwill to men (and Women)!"
~ Author Unknown

Monday, December 20, 2010


SEVEN SWANS A SWIMMING... Hmmm, I wonder what I can do with that?

Well the first thing that comes to mind these days - about "swimming" is my Grand Kids. Let me explain. As a small child myself, I learned early on how to swim, and have never lost my love for the water. As much as anything that motivates me; to where Kids are concerned that they at least know how to not drown even if not to become proficient swimmers.

And so, it should figure that I'm super pleased that Kelly & Amanda's Kidz are such polywogs and can't get enough of the pool and the ocean. Little water babies is to say the least.

Little miss Hailey, at 3 years, is fearless and not only is good in the pool, but loves to go boogie boarding with her Father, Kyle and body surfing with Grandpa. Her best times she describes with glee are, "GETTING SLAMMED!"

And Tyler, age 5, is gonna be a natural all around waterman. When it comes to the water - when he sees it, he's in. We recently went out on good Friend Tom Warren's KAMEHAMEHA (regular readers will remember we did that while Carl & his Family were here). Well, we had barely dropped the anchor and Tyler was over the side. We corralled him back and got him fitted with his mask & snorkle and he was off again. He barely slowed down when a turtle surfaced along side him. And for the protected animal activists out there, be assurred, young Tyler is NOT attacking or molesting this magnificent beast, though it might look that way in the photo. 8~)

And here we have Master Grayson (7 years), doing a little skim boarding which he picked up from his Uncle Carl. Gray's getting better on his surfboard too, I figure Hookipa in another 8~10 years... look out Big Wave Dave & others!

So what does that have to do whith Christmas? Well heck, nothing. But the photos are better than looking at snow don't you think? And so you don't think I'm not even trying to stay on track here, we will keep with the water theme, and here's Johnny Mathis to take you on a SLEIGH RIDE with a nice little addition I hope you'll enjoy.

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” ~ Roy L. Smith

Sunday, December 19, 2010



I'm not really sure what to take from 6 Geese a laying... Probably not Roast Goose as that doesn't sound very good at all, so I'm guessing it'd have to be fresh eggs - which puts me in mind of Breakfast. Being as it's Sunday and there's no Motorsports until February, I'm thinking that (after church of course...) it's off to Moose McGuillicudy's for BREAKFAST. Yeah!!! And yes, you can bet I'm having bacon today!

And here's an interesting Holiday "flavor" to consider. Something you don't see every day. And if you're not familiar with this Company, while no, it's not our "Jones's" they do offfer quite a few unique and interesting beverages, AND you can even have them produce under your own label.

If you click on the photo, you can see a little better but it's MELE KALIKIMAKA pure cane soda... from the JONES SODA COMPANY. See, I am trying to keep somewhat of a method to my madness.

Which is the best I could come up with to have this opportunity to put a little "local flavor" into the mix. So today's "12 DAYS" is all HAWAIIAN. First, a little edumacation in street Hawaiian, or Pidgeon English. Here's one take on the 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS, Hawaiian Style:

Numbah One day of Christmas, my tutu give to me One mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Two day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Two coconut, an' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Tree day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Foah day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Five day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Five beeg fat peeg... foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Seex day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Seex hula lesson, five beeg fat peeg (that make TEN!), Foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one Mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Seven day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Seven shrimp a-swimmin', seex hula lesson, Five beeg fat peeg, foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Eight day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Eight ukulele, seven shrimp a-swimmin', seex hula lesson, Five beeg fat peeg (that make TWENNY!), foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Nine day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Nine pound of poi, eight ukulele, seven shrimp a-swimmin', Seex hula lesson, five beeg fat peeg, foah flowah let, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Ten day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Ten can of beer, nine pound of poi, eight ukuklele, seven shrimp a-swimmin' Seex hula lesson, five beeg fat peeg, Foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

Numbah Eleven day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Eleven missionary, ten can of beer, nine pound of poi, Eight ukulele, seven shrimp a-swimmin', seex hula lesson, Five beeg fat peeg, foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree.

(Numbah Twelve day of Christmas the bes', and the bes' stuff always come las'...)

Numbah Twelve day of Christmas, my tutu give to me Twelve TELEVISION, eleven missionary, ten can of beer, Nine pound of poi, eight ukulele, seven shrimp a-swimmin', Seex hula lesson, FORTY steenkin' peeg, Foah flowah lei, tree dry squid, two coconut, An' one mynah bird in one papaya tree!

And what could be more fitting for our Hawaiian Theme then to wish you all MELE KALIKIMAKA as sung by a Gonzaga graduate named Harry... who do you think that is?

"Let us keep Christmas beautiful without a thought of greed. That it might live forevermore to fill our every need. That it shall not be just a day, but last a lifetime through. The miracle of Christmastime that brings God close to you.” ~ Ann Schultz

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Well, 5 GOLD RINGS... you'd think I could do something with that... funny thing is though, it puts me in mind of the endless variety of Cell Phone Ring Tones...

But wait... I'm not going there. Back to the "rings", of course GIRLS like rings, what better than gold, and Oh Yes - of course, Ring, ring, ring, ring... of course, JINGLE BELLS "ring!

What a perfect segway into today's offering... A rockin' rendition of that Holiday favorite, and this one decidedly for the Guys because it's done by the Bad Girls... (and yes, it is totally SFW). JINGLE BELL ROCK

“Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves." ~ Eric Sevareid

Friday, December 17, 2010


OK, I have to tell you, I haven't a clue WHO they're calling or what they could be calling about. Research shows that originally (this whole "12 days" thing has European origins) it was "Four Cally Birds, which meant "black" or presumeably Ravens or Crows. Now what that has to do with anything, again, IDK (I don't know).

Well, one thing I can tell you, after the past couple YouTube offerings I've shared, I figure I'd better get back on track here so to speak, or you're gonna all give up on me. So, I'm gonna hit you with the full monty of nastalgia (no, it's not gonna be bad, that's just an expression), and that would be Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds from the original 1942 movie, Holiday Inn as they sing WHITE CHRISTMAS, the all time number one favorite Christmas song EVER!
Note: We had a bit of a glitch with the LINK above, but it's been fixed now.

“Christmas is a time when everybody wants his past forgotten and his present remembered. What I don't like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.” ~ Phyllis Diller

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hmmm, 3 French Hens huh?! Well that should put us in mind of food I suppose, but rather I'm thinking of an old and dear Friend many of you will remember, PJ Foot. He worked for Lahaina Galleries for a number of years as the high energy Display Director. We became close Friends and several years ago he moved to France with his wife, Dominique and two young sons Jordon & Jeremy, to care for her Parents. They've managed to weather the transition, been absorbed into the French way of life and are working and raising their Family in a very unique way.

This photo is of a young PJ in Bora Bora circa 1999.

And, as tribute to PJ and his quirky ways, today's bit of entertainment strays from the 12 Days theme, and slides totaly into the realm of HUMOR. Now, of course that's subjective, especially in this case, as my choice is a bit by JEFF DUNHAM, a very funny ventriloquist, featuring his pal, THE DEAD TERRORIST! "What in the world could that have to do with Christmas," you ask? Well, you'll just have to watch and listen to see for yourself. Although I will tell you that it also comes highly recommended by another former LGI employee, Ms. Wendy Woodruff, currently in Southern Oregon. Need I say more?

Well, yes I do. Mothers - probably still not Kid recommended, and Mom, naaa, you're probably not gonna think much of this either. But, Hope springs eternal, and tomorrow's another day. But first, so you don't have to go away without something for the Kidz - here's a little video greeting card from Me & the (littlest) Grand Kidz and the Disney Company. - - WARNING - - You may find a little tune winds up stuck in your head. But, the bonus is, if you want to entertain the little ones, you can make one of these for yourself - just click the link below the card. Ho, Ho, Ho...

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Two TURTLE DOVES of course... what were you expecting, a couple of luverly lovey birds?

And, since we're starting a little off-kilter, I'm going to go ahead and share what will be perhaps the most irreverent and un-Christmas like versions of the 12 Days... it's by FOSTER BROOKS and for those of us old enough to remember him, he's perhaps best know for his comedic routines as a drunkard. And here-in, he does not disappoint. For example, his "first day of Christmasmas" starts with a shot of Gin! Yes Mother, you'll want to skip this one for the Kiddos, and Mom - you probably won't like it either. But hey, tomorrow's another day.

OK, ok... I know that's probably not a good way to start off, and it might just put some of you off enough that you won't be back, for fear of the same. SO, JUST SO'S YA KNOW my heart (and head) are in the right place, I've a little rendition of DECK THE HALLS here that's perfect for the children and animal lovers everywhere... bet you can't watch it without a smile and at least a couple of chuckles and "aaawwwwwes!"

“Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree." ~ Charlotte Carpenter.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Well here we are - and so starts the COUNTDOWN... eleven more days until the "big" day, CHRISTMAS DAY. And so too will begin my tribute to "THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS"


And to get things started on a good, clean foot - here's a simple, straight, vanilla version from the LETTERMEN. (You just "click" on the green, underlined text, in this case "Lettermen")

And, for those who care to have it spelled out, below follows the generic lyrics, and remember, we're going to be counding "up." And yes, it'll seem like a lot of repition but I think if you'll follow along, you might find some of it quite amusing.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me...

Twelve drummers drumming,
Eleven pipers piping,
Ten lords a-leaping,
Nine ladies dancing,
Eight maids a-milking,
Seven swans a-swimming,
Six geese a-laying,
Five golden rings,
Four calling birds,
Three French hens,
Two turtle doves,
And a partridge in a pear tree!

And so we begin. Remember, a new version tomorrow, and I'll be changing the Main photo each day as well.

“I truly believe that if we keep telling the Christmas story, singing the Christmas songs, and living the Christmas spirit, we can bring joy and happiness and peace to this world." ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Monday, December 13, 2010


Yep - you sharpies out there have already figured out that the chronological countdown to Christmas doesn't actually start until tomorrow... But having gotten your attention I'm glad you've stopped by, because I wanted to share a not so well know theory behind what those 12 days really represent. Which brings us to our first point of controversy on this subject... are the "TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" the 12 days BEFORE or the 12 days AFTER? Well arguably they are the 12 days following Christmas day, which is the first. I'm taking the position and presenting my "program" as it's the 12 days leading up to Christmas day, with it being the last.

However, first we going into this decidedly Religious slanted view. And so, if you're not so inclined, perhaps you'd best just skip it and come back tomorrow. However, those who do pursue today's offerings will learn a thing or two, and it might just get you thinking.

Either way, the Christmas Season is shifting into high gear and that awesome day will be here in no time. CHRISTIAN 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS Also worth noting, this version begins on Christmas Day and goes until January 6th, the First day of Epiphany, and as such there really are "12 days of Christmas". The link above will take you to a very detailed and well presented explanation, and if you really want to get into it, click on the imagery for each day for music and some devotional readings.


The Partridge = Baby Jesus

2 Turtle Doves = Old & New Testament

3 French Hens = Faith, Hope & Love

4 Calling Birds = Four Gospels

5 Gold Rings = Torah, first 5 Books of the O/T

6 Geese = Six days of Creation

7 Swans = Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

8 Maids Milking = Eight Beatitudes

9 Ladies Dancing = Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit

10 Lords = Ten Commandments

11 Pipers = Eleven Faithful Apostles

12 Drummers = The Twelve points of Doctrine in the Apostles’ Creed.

And Please Remember, I am a strong believer in keeping CHRIST in CHRISTMAS and never, ever, EVER use X-Mas. It just ain't right. IMHO.

OH, and another thing, TODAY is my Nephew (Karen's Son) Benjamin's birthday. I was thrilled to find out that "BJ's" taken up football and has been found to be quite promising by his Coaching Staff. He's very self motivated and an aspiring young man.

One of his "hero's" is Adrian Peterson (2007 Rookiw o/t Year) of the Minisota Vikings, and he's taken #28 for himself. I for one am all for him and encourage him to pursue his path with vigor and hope like heck he can manage to stay healthy.

“Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart.” ~ Washington Irving

Sunday, December 12, 2010


But today is my Sister Karen's (now KC, formerly KK, Kari and to our Father... Punkie) BIRTHDAY. So.... Happy B-Day Sis! She's in snowbound Utah, and obviously going to be having a White Christmas with Husband JC and Sons Jonathan and Benjamin. OK, on to the business at hand. This is a picture she shot last year of a deer, curled up outside their living room window...

Tomorrow does start the well know Kris Kringle countdown we know as "THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS". I'm going to be presenting little daily vinettes for your entertainment/enjoyment (hoepfully), focusing on the 12 day countdown. I'll have the photo of the day, a musical rendition by varing artists, and something relevent (at least in my mind) to the particular day or perhaps irreverent. So, I hope you'll drop by, kick back, take a few minutes to relax and reflect and maybe have a chuckle or two.

Oh - better be warned... there may be a selection or two not to everyone's taste and a couple possibly not for the "little ones" but I hope you'll enjoy and share the ones you deem appropriate, and simply ignore those you don't. Just remember to keep a sense of humor and no harm should come of it.

"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future." ~ American Indian Proverb

Saturday, December 11, 2010


So while we're all getting in the spirit... here's another visual treat, thanks to good friend Rick Ortenburger, who shares some extreme home decorating examples from a friend of his in Utah.

Click on the photo, OR HERE and give it a try on FULL SCREEN. Mind you, this is just the tip of the iceberg. For more renditions, set-ups from different years, or to get the full story , go to the HOLDMAN FAMILY WEBSITE.

Now, for all you Caroller's out there... here's a list of the TOP 2O CHRISTMAS SONGS, so you don't have to figure it out for yourself. Mind you, it's not my list but compiled from radio requests and play lists across the Country.

"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you." B. B. King

Friday, December 10, 2010


OK - I'm all cheered up now... Thanks for those of you who sent the encouraging words and Amanda for your "pick-me-up" call but I do hope EVERYONE knows, I wasn't all that down. Just a little bored and a we bit frustrated and slightly withdrawing from having everyone be so busy, grown-up or just far away.

Well it's raining now so everything's better. "WHAT!?" you say? Raining makes things better? Yes, yes... I know many of you suffer the gloom of precipitation and COLD on a daily basis, but here we don't & so, when it does rain it's kind of a time to celebrate. OK, anytime is a time to celebrate, and that's where I'm headed...

It's CHRISTMAS TIME BABY! And I'm all excited. I just love Christmas and all it represents. OK, I'm not so big on Christmas "shopping" and all the madness that goes with it, traffic, pushy shoppers, screaming kids, crowded stores, over-pricing... Now hold on a minute, this is going the wrong way. I LOVE Christmas, it's such a wonderful time of year. And my wish this year is to share some of that with you. Which I'll be doing right here in Blogland. I'll hope you check back often through out the rest of the Month to see what I've got in store.

Now, to get things started off on the right foot, here's a link to watch SLEEPING BEAUTY'S CASTLE transition from daytime to night, and watch the lighting effects. Sleeping Beauty's Castle ENJOY! See you next time...

“The only real blind person at Christmas-time is he who has not Christmas in his heart.” ~ Helen Keller

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well, OK - not exactly "adrift" but certainly cruising along. Which is the "problem" doggoneit! Carl and his Family are back in Vegas, Kelly and her Family are busy with life Up-country, Kidz in school, Mom & Dad working. Same with Amanda, she's busy with school, Kyle's busy looking for work (and maybe a little surfing) and their Kidz are in school now too, and I'm just a lonely old Grumpa!

Well, OK - that's not exactly true either... and not all my Friends are sitting at the Lahaina Yacht Club Bar either! But many have moved away or just aren't here to begin with, quite a few have also lost their jobs and are looking with nothing much to be found, and so (understandably) not all that much fun. So, I'm finding my days have become a wee bit hum drum. True, I could and can do something about it, the question who's answer escapes me these days, is WHAT?

So - that's why I've posted the photo of the "KIDZ" on KAMEHAMEHA from our day sail last week (notice how calm and clear the water is), because there's nothing like hydro-therapy to sooth the soul and calm the "beast" within.

OK - Enough grumpiness... I do have a couple of Web projects that will keep me busy for a bit, I've got a couple of other Folks whose Computers are on the verge of crapping out, so there's a few challenges there, I'm taking Mom to the Eye Doctor's on Friday so I've at least one good deed on the horizon. Good Friends O'Neill & Kathy (from Redondo Beach) get in on Monday for a couple months so I'll have somebody fresh to jaw with and tell sea stories that may or may not be believable. Wishing you all well, as always.

"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad." - Miles Kington