Thursday, December 23, 2010



And what could these guys all be jumping around about??? Heck if I know, but maybe it's because RUDOLPH the RED NOSED REINDEER would soon be on his way... "Everybody" knows the story of Rudolph and Santa... sort of anyway. But DID YOU KNOW that Gene Autry first recorded the song that is the SECOND most popular song of all time (behind Bing Crosby's White Christmas)? Or that the song was written by Johnny Marks, the Brother-in-law of Rudolph's Author, Bob May? CLICK HERE for the full story.

And OK, I must confess... there's more to the "10 Lords" than I let on... Now, these guys aren't exactly jumping all around, but vocally, they sure do... AND there's ten of them. Check out the 12 Days of Christmas sung by STRAIGHT NO CHASER. (For any of you who don't know, but would care to know, CLICK HERE to find out what a DREIDLE is.)

And GUESS WHAT!?? Yep, there's more... ’ One of the more popular items circulating the FORWARDING chasms of the Internet is the DIGITAL VERSION of the NATIVITY STORY Now I've had several chances to see this lately, and for whatever reason decided to pass over it… and I tend to look at everything partly because I just hate to think I'd miss something and also to try and keep up with Friend’s “questions” about such and such with regards to computing.

But it came from Donna (Larson) Eide, a dear Friend and LHS Alumni, and I found thinking of her, it put me in a rather pleasant disposition frame of mind, and I decided to watch it. Well what a treat! Very clever and I just simply got to include it here. For anyone “computerish” it’s way too funny, and I didn’t feel that it in anyway disrespected the story of Christ’s birth. Quite the contrary. It's actually a rather contemporary take on the whole thing. And if you're NOT into the computer thing, it might not make much sense.

Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect." ~ Oren Arnold

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