Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I'm sure I'm not alone as the Year is winding down... you kinda can't help but get nostalgic... but I'm not going off on that, so you can relax. Seems to be A LOT of "computer" issues going on as I've been getting an avalanche of phone calls... A word to the wise - BACK-UP anything that's important to you NOW! Don't say you haven't been warned.

Not surprisingly every one's got a different problem so each takes some heavy thinking to resolve. My poor brain feels bruised. Now I'm not looking for sympathy, just stating a fact. I'll be fine, it's what I do. Seems as though most every one's had a "good" Christmas so that's welcome news. Of course out Government's still a bit of a disappointment and the News Media seems bent on continuing to make something out of nothing, just to have "news!" Geesh!!

But all of that didn't seem to matter much, after I watched this little comic gem, sent by Dan's Mom Katheryn, that still has me chuckling. Have a look and see for yourself. ANIMAL CRACKERS And that'll probably be it for me until after the New Year. MARTY DREAD is playing at LYC for our New Year's Eve party (that's a big deal around these parts, as we Maui Folks know) so I plan to drop in for that. Saturday of course is the Rose Parade and then the Rose Bowl, amongst a few other Bowl Games. So everyone have a SAFE & MERRY. See you next year!

"The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it." - Jean-Paul Sarte

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