But today is my Sister Karen's (now KC, formerly KK, Kari and to our Father... Punkie) BIRTHDAY. So.... Happy B-Day Sis! She's in snowbound Utah, and obviously going to be having a White Christmas with Husband JC and Sons Jonathan and Benjamin. OK, on to the business at hand. This is a picture she shot last year of a deer, curled up outside their living room window...

Tomorrow does start the well know Kris Kringle countdown we know as "THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS". I'm going to be presenting little daily vinettes for your entertainment/enjoyment (hoepfully), focusing on the 12 day countdown. I'll have the photo of the day, a musical rendition by varing artists, and something relevent (at least in my mind) to the particular day or perhaps irreverent. So, I hope you'll drop by, kick back, take a few minutes to relax and reflect and maybe have a chuckle or two.
Oh - better be warned... there may be a selection or two not to everyone's taste and a couple possibly not for the "little ones" but I hope you'll enjoy and share the ones you deem appropriate, and simply ignore those you don't. Just remember to keep a sense of humor and no harm should come of it.
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future." ~ American Indian Proverb
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