The Continuing Saga of the Life and Times of Ronald Lee Wall.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Hau'oli Makahiki Hou - Happy New Year.
No wars for 4 Months!? What a concept. A 4 Month party instead! Hmmmmm...
"The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it." - Jean-Paul Sartre
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Clock's Ticking...
OH, and speaking of TIME. Recently, while wandering around on the Web, I came across this rather entertaining look at time keeping. It's worth a look I think, the HUMAN CLOCK is "interesting" to say the least. Just CLICK on "View the Clock" If you'd like to know more about it, return to the Home page, and click on ABOUT. Turns out this Guy (Craig D. Giffin) seems to be a pretty interesting fellow and I've found him to be a bit inspiring. Thanks Craig. Oh, and I've added his HUMAN CALENDAR as one of my Gadgets here on the "Wandering" Blog.
And in the spirit of New Years Eve, here's a chance to put on your own FIREWORKS show. Ok, so you're probably wondering - "How's he got time for all this meaningless drivel?" Well, I guess it's good news in a way. Kelly had a Notary signing appointment Up-Country this morning, and I've been left to my own devices. It's been raining off and on all day, so pulling weeds has been out, and I'm actually feeling pretty darned good after treatment #7. Dry mouth is increasing, tongue's a little more sensitive, and the taste buds are about all gone. The good news (and there's always "good news") is, my RASH is really doing great. Everyone says so... Truth is, the bigger the rash (read that teenage acne at it's worst) the better the Chemotherapy (read that Erbitux) is working.
"I hope that while so many people are out smelling the Flowers, that someone is taking the time to plant some." - Herbert Rappaport
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Very Best Christmas Day...
Then it was up to Kelly's in Pukalani, where I would be spending the night. Christmas day began with partly clear skies and a living room full of presents.
CLICK HERE to see Christmas morning photos.
I put on the coffee, and it wasn't long before Grayson was up, then Nanna Anne showed up, and by the time she and Gray had brought up all her gifts, Maddison and Mom & Dad were up too. Grayson got just about every BATMAN toy and game there is, and Madison received everything HANNA MONTANA. I think everyone got a wonderful collection of gifts, but the real capper came as the very last box to open.

More than a bit surprising, it was for me! It was a big box, and it came with instructions. Which everyone made certain I was to follow, to the "letter." I had a set of letters, a board with 5 words, and one letter in each word. One by one I was given a clue to figure out, and move on to the next.

Amanda Jones
Kelly Maguire
Carl Stephens
Dan Snyder
Jeff Kaiser
Steve Taylor
Bonnie Nelson
John Wilson
Joanne Dennis
Jim & Nancy Killett
Doris Prockette
"Thank You" isn't quite enough, but it'll have to do until I can think of what is. Mahalo!
Christmas gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect." ~ Oren Arnold
Monday, December 22, 2008
"5 Days 'Til Christmas" or Santa Visits Jones' Family


OK, that's enough of a lead in. Bonnie's put together a fabulous Jones Family Video, set a song by the Cheetah Girls, "5 More Days 'Til Christmas" which coincidentally was the count from our special evening. When you'll see it, I've no doubt you'll be able to tell why I'm so excited to share it, and also why I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful Family.
CLICK HERE to see the Video.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
‘Twas Four Days Before Christmas…
At Manda’s we were
Momma Duma and Daniel
Also were there.
And with Cheetah Girls singing
The Turkey all gone
There was a great big surprise
About to go on.
While getting along gaily
Now who could have guessed?
That our Tyler and Hailey
Would wind up so blessed.
To have Santa Claus show up
His bag full of gifts
His arrival un-announced
His laughter so swift.
The Children were ecstatic
The Adults were too
It’s not hard to be Happy
With such a Great Crew!
Ok, so I’m not such a great poet, but I couldn't’t resist the temptation to pay tribute to Uncle Dan “the Man” Snyder who went above and beyond to make a visit from “you know who” a little bit early, since Amanda and Family are heading to Oregon on Monday, to be with Kyle’s Parents for a white Christmas.

Santa's Visit Photo Album
Again, I'd like to express a special THANK YOU to Bonnie Nelson for the great photos & video of Santa's visit. Please check out her project Website The Cheetah Alliance to Unite the Children of the World, and to help save the Cheetahs, it's really quite interesting.
While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. - Angela Schwindt
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Just a little quiet time...
But, finally we were done, the crew was satisfied, I was released, with the assurance that the rest of the sessions would go quicker. One bonus was they had a way lot of "treats" set out. You gotta love the Holidays. Orange chiffon cake, Red & Green Jello cubes, Banana Bread, and a dozen other assorted goodies - which the admonished, "Eat 'em now, while you feel like it!" Well, with encouragement like that, I did. Then it was off to Kaiser for my second (weekly) Chemo treatment of the Erbitux/Benedryl IV. Well, this was now half the initial dose, as will the rest be. Gotta tell you, it went even easier than the first one, which you may recall wasn't all that bad either. The REALLY good news is, that night came and went without the sweats, excessively dry mouth or the pounding headache. I was only up twice, and that was to make room for more water. So, the first week we'll say ended on a high note.
I drove back to Lahaina for the weekend, to tend to some personal business and to try and get further along with setting my apartment to order with my new desk and office arrangement. Dan Snyder pitched in, and together we actually made some progress.
So, at this point, I'm gonna let you all off the hook for a bit, and will be signing off until next week, when I'll report in again. I'll be ready to share the news of my recruiting a Transportation Team of stalwart supporters, to help fill in while Amanda's gone and relieve some of the burden on Kelly - and secretly, it'll provide me with a broad range of diversion and personal enjoyment to have time to spend with Friends who care enough to pitch in and help out this ol' Guy in his time of need. I'll also be intending to interject some of my past "Wanderings" of some of my more memorable adventures or encounters to break the monotony of this medical sh*t, and hopefully there will be a tale or two some of you might find entertaining.
Christmas is almost here. It's always been one of my favorite times of the year, which reminds me, for what it's worth and to anyone who's "listening," I've a request to make... PLEASE, if only where I'm concerned, please DO NOT ever, EVER use the abbreviation of "X-MAS." It is REALLY a pet peeve of mine, and not one I'm prone to lecture about, but it does gripe me, and this seemed a decent opportunity to announce it to the Universe, at least anyone who's listening. I'd encourage you to remember my simple request, and at every opportunity, to encourage each of you to pass it on, whenever you have occasion to encounter someone else doing so. It's CHRISTMAS Folks, and if you take CHRIST out of Christmas, all you have left is "mas" or one big MESS. Heck, after all, it's not about the presents, the cards, the candy or food, it's about Jesus Birthday, plain and simple. And, whether your Christian or not, believe in Santa or not, or whatever, can't we all just be big enough to realize it for what it is, and allow everyone the freedom to believe in as they choose, and not force anyone to not?
To my thinking it's just an extension of one of my stock questions, "Why cant we all just get along?" Give it a try, it doesn't take much, it costs nothing and there's always some way to fit in the other five letters. Give it a try. At least for me. MAHALO (Thank You.) Aloha Ya'll.
Oh hey... wait, what's that I hear??? Out in the back, up on the roof... coud it be? I don't know, I'd better go check.
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail." - Abraham Maslow
Friday, December 19, 2008
Magical Maui Morning Makes Me Mellow...
So, as things turned out, we wound up going for the Radiation Treatment before the Chemo - evidently it doesn't matter all that much which happens when at this point.
Things went well, and the Chemo did too, had a good nights sleep, only woke up once with a bit of a dry throat and a "scratchy" tongue.
But now must dash of for my second Radiation session, at my now regular time of 10:10am. More on all this later.
Peace, Love & Groovey... Ron Wall
Thursday, December 18, 2008
What! Me Worry...?

Well, maybe a little. Can't seem to think of any better reason for being up at 3:30AM this morning. Heck, the past two previous nights I actually managed to pretty much sleep through the whole night, in spite of the 47 Gallons of H2O sloshing around inside me somewhere.
So, I'm thinking that perhaps the call I got yesterday, from the Radiation Clinic, asking me to show up there - FOR MY FIRST TREATMENT - before I went for the Chemo at 11:00am could be the root of this current sleep disorder... Growing up, I never really got clear on how a "big Guy" acts scared, well, except for maybe a few times in the Military and one errant Toboggan ride while I was in High School, I don't recall much ever having needed too.
At first I tried to convince myself it was from an overdose of Longboard Lager at the Club last evening. I'd had occasion to meet up with a Friend, who was headed to Barnes & Noble on a bicycle, at night, with no lights, and had offered to give her and said bike a ride in Pearl, and then drop her at home. Which occasioned a second (and ultimately a third, as we'd found out B&N was actually open past 7:30pm, even in Lahaina). Given that I've had a total of about six in over the past three weeks, I probably did, which MAY be accounting for the dry mouth and achy tongue, which was I'm sure what awakened me in the first place.
Besides having the opportunity to come to the aid of a Damsel in "distress, and in addition to the usual cast of Characters at the Club (among them Stan "the Man" Anderson, finally back following his very successful knee surgery, Bill Carsten who shares my DOB, Bobby Powers - lobbying to switch Membership status with his Wife, so she could be the Club Secretary, John Domingo - explaining that he couldn't, Steve Taylor had even stopped in to settle an old debt - thank you Steve, and it was also a BOG meeting night -with both Boards attending - the place was hoppin'); Friends Leon O'Neill and Kathy had popped in as they're here from Redondo Beach until the end of January, and a BIG SURPRISE, stumbled (well not really, more like "wandered") into very good Friends Les & Judy Crouch, just in from Del Mar/Henderson/London for a couple weeks visit. For being such a small town, in the middle of the Pacific, you sure never know who's gonna pop-up here, which is one of the things I love so much about this place.
I digress... So, after a(nother) bottle of water, a dose of Magic Mouthwash, and 20 minutes of Video Poker, it's become clear to me, that there are "other things" scurrying about in the vast caverns of my psyche, and I've no one to distract me, talk to or drink with! Yikes. OK, so I'll admit it now, truth of the matter is, I guess I am "a little bit apprehensive" about all this. After a week the "rash" from the Chemo isn't all that bad, but it's becoming noticeable, and my forehead and scalp seem to be a bit more itchy than usual, so my concern there is growing. I've mostly just not thought about the Radiation, or even the fact that this is all because I DO HAVE CANCER. Yikes, guess that's gonna change for sure, tomorrow. Reality. What a ridiculous concept...
OK I feel better now. I'm telling you, this BLOG THERAPY works wonders. And speaking of wonders, the thing that's really got me walking in the clouds is all the support, love and encouragement I've been getting, and things have barely begun bothering me. Now that is overwhelming, and a reality I'd not expected. Oh my gosh, how am I ever gonna be able to repay or give back for all the positive reinforcement I've showered with. Well, can't think about that now, or as my Brother from a different Mother (Tom Warren) pointed out to me yesterday, "I'm gonna cry!" A reaction he'd had to the VERY OVERWHELMING response I'd gotten from my "Transportation Team Troopers" - which Dear Friends, is another story... OK, back to Sleepsville, as I've an early appointment with Destiny in a few short hours, like it or not...
"Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes." - John Dewey
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Whonk, Whoonk, Whooonnkk…

Mango the Mala Mallard is making her figure eight cycles between the little park across the street, and Mark Ellman’s Mala Tavern, down by Safeway. The morning traffic has started its rhythmic patter as tires go rolling over the cast iron service cover by the driveway. The Roosters next door are in fine voice, and of course set the neighborhood Dogs (big and little) barking. And the ever present, incessantly steady refrain of the surf sings its Siren song. Ahhh, life is grand.
Whonk, Whaaack, Whaackk, Whaackk… that Duck is persistent. Kind of funny though, how she tends to quiet the dang Chickens… I hop out of bed and race to the door (OK, I slide out slowly, tread somewhat tentatively, and try to force my feeble eyes to focus) and behold the beginning of another GREAT day. HULA GIRL and SHANGRALA are stretched back on their moorings, reaching for L

I’m off for my Blood Test, and then back for dreaded domestic duties, and later, hopefully a call from “Little Brother” Dan, to do some furniture retrieval.

But before I "wander" off, I've got to share something I stumbled across the other day. Everyone knows my penchant for Computing, Children and Charities. Well they all came together for me the other day, and I was able to do something about it. I share it with you today, if for no other reason than it might just spark an impulse in someone, to share it with someone else, and eventually, SOMEONE will hop on the band wagon too.
The One Laptop per Child Foundation has a great program, who's mission is to put a Laptop in the hands of every child on the planet. Pretty ambitious concept, but what a great one. They can tell you about it better than I can, so check out their website at
The "real deal" is the GIVE ONE, GET ONE promotion currently being offered on AMAZON: For $200 you can give a Child (somewhere) literally a pathway to the future. For $400 you can do that and get one for yourself (to hopefully put in the hands of a Child of your own choosing). From there the sky's the limit. Consider this... Not all of have the means to drop a couple hundred bucks to help a kid we'll never know or ever see, but some of us do. Who knows how it'll affect that Child, the Guardian and Fabricator of our Future? But SOME OF US DO. Or what about forming a Hui (group of Family or Friends) with everyone throwing in $10~$20 and go from there. Heck, if an organization (or someone with really deep pockets) were to commit to 100 units, you could even choose where they went!!!
I've also got a story to share, which is what led to my actually doing something about the whole One Child, One Laptop thing, which I've been following for over a year. It's about a Fellow in Africa (Prince Bananah) with little in the way of material goods, whose greatest treasure is a cell phone, and his greatest gift, a love and respect for others. Bonnie Nelson was the source, and he was my inspiration. But that Dear Fellow Wanderer's - will have to be another time...
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future." - American Indian Proverb
Sunday, December 14, 2008
... And Pay for it I did!

And so began what I presume could become a very unwelcome, though (especially now) not unexpected routine. I think the longest I went was just shy of one and a half hours (that'd be "every 1 1/2 hrs" in the "short version"...). The dry mouth and headache just kept getting worse. From the first awakening, I'd gotten my trusty ol' H2O bottle, and wound up going through about 6 refills. It must have helped some, but it sure didn't seem to at the time. And the headache... OMG! Guess it's part of the payback for having never really been bothered by the bane of brain bashing noggin knocker headaches, or even little ones very often. Guess I have a new understanding for those of you who suffer the occasional migraine - won't be making light of those any more...
So, enough of that... After getting up finally, and reporting my experiences, I went straight to the Oxycodone; and an hour later, I felt fine, but the Headache was still banging away trying to burst out through the top of my forehead. Would that I had my Peppermint Oil, but alas, it had inadvertently been left in Lahaina. Amanda suggested Children's Motrin (liquid, mild, pink...) and after a little bit of checking (I have soooo much info on all this, I think they've covered everything), we concluded that Motrin/Tylenol is "OK" - so, we (she) settled on a 20ml dose, and finally after another hour, I could actually tell it was working. I'd progressed to coffee, then grape juice along with another bottle or two or water, and the dry mouth seemed to be floating away as well. Oh Joy!
While I was feeling "crappy" and just lolling in front of the TV, Amanda managed to sort things out with the tentative plan of "Kelly fixing Dinner." It ultimately was decided that we'd all be going up to Anne's in Makawao. Well, I had a wild hair about needing to get back to Lahaina, to check on Mail, get some clothes (I'd originally thought I'd just be making a day trip to Amanda's and after leaving the night before to allow for the rain, and then spending another night, I definitely needed them), and to check on Marcia's (Seabern, a Dear Friend and my Landlady*) computer, as she'd called to check on me, and let me know it wasn't working...
Well, I actually made record time; Left Maui Lani at 1:45pm, drove to Lahaina, stopped by Emerald Plaza to pick up a ladder from Bear,* home, took a shower, packed a suit case, checked my mail, determined that Marcia's Monitor was maki and didn't have time to change it out, stopped for a tank of gas, and made it back to Amanda's at a little after 4:00pm, perhaps my personal best! We then all piled into Kyle's truck (Carl & Amanda had been out sun seeking, and the boyz had emptied the truck - marble slab rack & tools -) as Anne had requested Kyle do a dump run, to get rid of all the debris created by Carl's hard work around the house and headed up the hill. Turned out that nobody had told Anne that I was coming, and nobody had told me that Kelly who had worked all day wasn't cooking dinner. It can get confusing at times, but only if you try too hard to keep up...Typical for this Clan. No matter as everyone enjoyed B-B-Q steak, boiled potatoes, corn, broccoli, Cesar salad, garlic bread and 5 flavors of ice cream, thank you Anne & Amanda. And that was Friday.
Saturday was kind of a lazy day, a bit of shopping, Carl left at 2:00pm, returning to Las Vegas and his real life a day early, to ease the load on overloaded Wendy (He's the Good Son), and then Amanda insisting on putting up her (outdoor) Christmas lights, only to have it start pouring 5 minuets after she'd started... Hmmm, I might not of mentioned that along the way (we'll blame Kyle for this) we discovered FREE Slot Machines!!! Pretty entertaining, providing you DO NOT PLAY FOR MONEY - and that's all I'm saying about that! If it's not your thing, don't even bother to go there. And if you do, you're on your own, and blame Kyle, not me.
Sunday, Gary Hipp and Family came over for weekly "Church," and Bible study, while I opted for a trip to Ace for a few necessary essentials (stapel gun, pruning sheers, Oxyclean, light bulbs and a 1/4" dowel). We all enjoyed a good lunch of stuffed bell peppers, thank you Amanda. After, and with full stomachs and an empty schedule, everyone settled in for a brief Winter's nap... With any luck, and weather permitting Monday I'll be able to spend some time with Kelly and put up her Christmas lights, as I've been promising since before Thanksgiving... Tuesday and Wednesday I should be back in Lahaina, and then Thursday the real fun begins...
* In a future post I'll provide a run down of my very best Animal Friends of Lahaina (Bear, Thumper, Sparky et' al) for those of you who may not know them...
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Hurrier I go, the Behinder I get...

Wednesday evening we had some Kona weather moving into the Islands, which means wind, rain and high surf. Fortunately I decided to head over to Amanda's early Wednesday afternoon, knowing that I had to show up at Kaiser for a Stress Test at 8:00am, prior to the start of my Chemo and the Erbitux transfusion. Well, it was darned good that I did, as it was POURING all day Thursday.
OK, so the stress test wound up being pretty much that. Driving in the rain, in Pearl is stressful enough, I'd of never made it if I'd of had to drive from Lahaina. After meeting Steve the Tech, and Kathy the Nurse, they hooked me up to the 10 lead EKG machine, strapped on the BP cuff and explained that they'd do some ultrasound imaging of my heart before and again after my stint on the treadmill. The objective was to have me reach 60% of max heart rate. The tread mill starts out slowly, then every three minutes increases. While I can't recall the exact numbers right now, I'm quite pleased to report that not only did I reach the 60%, I actually got all the way up to 101% and survived. Following all that, they called in the Cardiologist, Dr. Gerry, who reviewed the results and said, "Well, you've got a pretty full plate here, but one thing you don't have to worry about, is your Heart!" Well that was good news.
After a brief trip back to Amanda's, Kyle returned from bidding a job, to watch Hailey, so Amanda could accompany me on the Chemo visit, which was a good thing. Before they started the IV I had a visit from Joni, the Pharmacist, who explained what all I might expect from the treatment. They do a very good job of making sure you are aware of everything, and know what to expect, no matter how much you may not want to hear it... And, I guess because of my size, they'd decided to give me an undiluted dose, 800 ml of the Erbitux, along with a hefty dose of Benedryl. Now, here's the shocker - the Erbitux cost is $8,000.00!!! OMG. I will not complain any more about my $15.00 co-pays for every single visit. Annette was the RN who hooked me up with the IV, and she did such a good job, I hardly even knew it was happening. And then, the high point of the day, the other Nurse there, Cheryl, came over with a huge can of Almond Rocca, and said, "Help yourself!" Be still my heart, I was in heaven. Or so I thought. Little did I know, that I'd be "paying" for it later...
The family. We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together. ~Erma Bombeck
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Surprise Visitors & some Med-Speak...
Now, for those of you who've been waiting patiently, I'm going to share the details of the Doctors findings, in their own terms... and PLEASE - "DAM" (Don't Ask Me), as I haven't a clue what all that means, and have no intention of finding out. Oh, and for the squeamish or if you just don't want to get this deep - it's OK to skip the next few paragraphs, I totally understand, and normally would be skipping it myself.
(This is the Pathology Report following the Right Neck Biopsy on 10-31-2008.)
MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: The small biopsy fragments has nests of hyperchromatic cells with adjoining fibrous stromal reaction with limited lymphocytes. The tumor nests have focal necrosis and limited eosinophilic tumor cell cytoplasm with mitotic figures present. The neoplasm diffusely expresses AE1/AE3 cytokeratin and p63, with absence of mucin vacuoles on a DPAS stain consistent with poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma.
FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Right neck biopsy: Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, consistent with metastasis. DIAGNOSIS COMMENT: While no distinct lymphoid background is identified, effacement of background lymph node architecture by metastatic carcinoma with associated fibrous reaction may be possible particularly as the biopsy tissue provides limited tissue sampling. The findings are consistent with the recent biopsy findings of invasive very squamous cell carcinoma involving the right tonsil. (Specimen # So8-20180)
(This is the Pathology Report following the Right Tonsillectomy on 11-14-2008.)
- Right Tonsil: Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma focally infiltrating skeletal muscle of tonsillar fossa.
- Right medial tonsil fossa: No tumor identified.
- Inferior right tonsillar process: No tumor identified.
- Right lateral tonsillar process: No tumor identified.
- Right base of tongue: No tumor identified.
- Midline tongue base: No tumor identified.
Diagnosis Comment: Case reviewed in Pathology Staff Conference on 11/17/2008
Ron's Comment: All in all, that means removing the Tonsil should resolve the situation, and the Radiation/Chemo treatments are for the cell growth in the Lymph Nodes, and everything should be "peachy!"
"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad." - Miles Kington
Monday, December 8, 2008
Plan "B"

OK - False alarm... Turns out I'm NOT starting Radiation Therapy today, oh, and my apologies for being slow in updating things here. Not really an excuse (truth is I've just been lazy), but this weekend was our annual Board of Governors elections at the Lahaina Yacht Club, and I had the dubious honor of heading the Elections Committee (thank you Amanda, Dan, Skeeter, Jeff & Chuck for the help). Alright, back to the treatment schedule changes...
Last Friday I met with Dr. Paul Coty, a Medical Oncologist (not the same as a Radiation Oncologist I've learned), who had the final say as to treatments. Well, the "short version" is, he's the guy that decides whether or not "additional" modalities (med-speak for treatment) were warranted, and he felt they were. Enter ERBITUX, and now I've crossed over into the dreaded CHEMO therapy arena, which I've since found out simply means "something" besides just Radiation. Please note... if you should research this further, don't wig out... as I'm assured it shouldn't be all that big a deal, in spite of a small percentage of cases which didn't turn out so well. Really.
I guess the ever present "good news" here is, what they're now prescribing is at the "minimalist" end of the spectrum, and while it does increase the side effects (read that pain & discomfort), it's not nearly as bad as numerous other options. Erbitux is an "accelerator" and increases the effects of the radiation. It's given by IV, which I have the first infusion this Thursday, and then once a week, every week until the Radiation treatments are completed. Turns out the significant side effect of this drug is I'll wind up with an extreme case of Acne, something I was never terribly bothered by as an adolescent, so it'll be something different. Again, more good news, I'll have a darned good reason to not have to be shaving! Yea, for that!
During the consultation, Dr. Coty explained he'd just spoken with a Dr. Scott Lippman, of the MD Anderson Clinic at the University of Texas. Turns out he's the Head of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology. So, as far as expertise, I don't see how I could be getting better care. My "team" keeps growing, and everyone on it seems to have checked with somebody more experienced before making their decisions. Ya gotta love Technology.
So, the current "Plan" is, I'll have Blood Tests every Wednesday, then the Erbitux IV's once a week, on Thursday mornings and the Radiation treatments every day starting Dec. 18th, continuing until probably around February 6th. Hold on, more "good news" - I get Christmas & New Years Days off... as their Office is closed! Hurray. On that note - Adios for today, I'm off to the Club, Monday Night Football ya know...
Oh shoot... Almost forgot to let you know, the latest on Classmate Carl Belknap is the Ticker's doing fine, but now they seem to have discovered he's got chronic sleep apnea (sp?) and is either looking at having to sleep with some apparatus or other, or having an operation. I think he's opting for the Op... so please give him a moment or two when you're thinking those healing thoughts. And stay tuned, I've got an important (at least it is for me) announcement I'll be sharing in a future post.
"The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing." — John Powell
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
If the "shoe" fits, wear it...

Robert (who would be assisted by another Tech, Tim) explained what he would be doing, which basically would be fitting a plaster impregnated mesh over my head, face and shoulders, and then a couple of simple trips through the scanner to "map" where they would be targeting the radiation. Amanda came along and not only peppered the Tech's and the Doctor with questions but took the photos included here.
All in all it wasn't too bad. The flouride trays were a new
The whole process took about 30 minutes or so, and I just kind of faded into the zone, and went with it. Fortunately I'm not too claustrophobic and don't find it too difficult to just relax.
Also I had no idea that Amanda was as busy taking pictures as she was,
We celebrated this land mark ocassion by going out to lunch. First choice of Amanda's was Manana Cafe, but unfortunate they'd closed up shop just a few weeks ago, so we opted for Koho's as it was nearby.
Previously I'd mentioned that Son Carl was out from Vegas for a brief Holiday visit, and he and Son-in-law Kyle (Amand'as husband) had headed down to Makenna for a little sun & surf. As we were done early, and Tyler & Hailey were at pre-school/daycare, Amanda said she was off to meet the Boys for a little beach time of her own, without the responsibilities of Children, and did I want to go. I opted not too, as for the moment Mr. Sun and I are at odds.
On our way home we got to talking and (short version) the next thing I knew was we'd decided to get everyone together (this includes Kelly & Family and Momma Anne, along with Carl) that evening for a B-B-Q at Amanda's. So off she went, and I had an appointment with the Unemployment office, following which as I was headed back to Amanda's, received a phone call from my Mainland visiting Friend Marcus, who had seemed to have (at least for the moment) developed a need for a place to stay, and was wondering if he could "crash in Lahaina" which of course, he was welcome to stay. We met at Borders (yes, Men can read too...) and he followed me to Amanda's. We had a great get-to-gather, and with four Kids running about, there was no lack of entertainment, including a screening of "Hancock." (No, the little ones were curtailed with the option of "Scooby Doo & Batman" in Tyler's bedroom or running rampant out on the deck. Mom - we had Chicken, Porterhouse steaks, Teriaki beef, and Calbasa sausage on the Grill, B-B-Q Asparagas and Broccoli (thank you Anne), and rice. Kelly was the hit of the evening when she broke out and made the fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. YEAH Kelly!
And that Dear Readers, brings us to the end of another day.
“Anything is possible if you don't know what you are talking about.” Green's Law of Debate
Brain Fade and Gatorade...
"If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse." Walt Disney
Next, my "Illini" Friend, Emilie Barry has sent me an Asparagus treatment recommendation (which she received from a highly respected Friend of hers - George Frye) which seems to be fairly substantiated. First reported in the 'The Elements of Materia Medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones. Dr. Richard R. Vensal, D.D.S. reported in the Cancer News Journal, December 1979 that asparagus might cure cancer. You take a can of Asparagus (Fresh is fine, but "cooking" increases potency of the relevant components, so canned works just fine in this case), put it in a blender, then take 4 tablespoons twice a day. Make a note here ya'll... it makes for a good preventative tonic as well. Ya'll eat your Greens!
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." Sir Winston Churchill
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Dry me a River...

Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Good, The Bad, & the UGLY!
Hope everyone has a meaningful day, and if you're not spending part of it with Family or Friends, at least give a loved one a phone call, and let them know you're thankful. For myself, I'll be having a pretty full plate (whether or not I can eat much remains to be seen). I'll be heading over to the other side to Amanda's shortly, with a brief stop by my dear Friends, Jeff & Jill Kaiser (whom I'll be house sitting for this weekend). At Amanda's we'll be putting the finishing touches on our Honey Glazed Ham, and then it's up to Ulapalakua Ranch, to spend the day with Family Friends the Azevedo's, Michael and Diana, and their 2 boys (also former Lahaina Gallery Alumni). Among those also attending will be Becky, the Belle of Makawao and her three, the Schweiner Family, along with Kelly and Family, Nana Anne along with a Mystery Guest, and who knows who else. Should be a good time.

The drawing is from my Granddaughter Madison, her effort to "cheer up" Grandpa last week, and of course, she was successful. I'd also very much like to THANK everyone for writing and so forth, it's been entertaining to say the least. I'm trying to keep up as best I can, and if I haven't been timely in responding to some of you, fear not, I'll get around to it. And for those of you who HAVEN'T called, and may have wanted too, I REALLY appreciate that, as it's still a wee bit uncomfortable to talk. OK so much for the GOOD.
On the bad side of things... Being un-employed isn't helping a whole lot, and the World economy isn't encouraging. US Politics are enough to make anyone wonder WTF no matter who you supported (or didn't) in the Elections. And I finally did have my initial consult with the Radiology Oncologist, which brings us to the UGLY.
The technical term for my "situation" is Squamous cell carcinoma (and I'd suggest that unless you have a strong stomach, you DON'T look that up on Wikipedia). The short version (yes, I keep trying) is that the Radiation Treatment plan for now is 35 sessions, that's 5 days a week for 7 weeks, WITH NO BREAKS (seems I was wrong about that in my initial understanding), and each week will be worse. UGH! - OK, double UGH!! The Bobby Baker Clinic is nice though, well funded, modern and very high tech. Heck, during my consultation the Dr. had to excuse himself to go quite the staff who were giggling and laughing too much! This could be fun. NOT!
Anyway, the Doc went through all the details, and fortunately Amanda was there, because I know, as he continued along, I was listening less and less. Sure opened my eyes to a lot of things. So, what's up for now? Well I have what's called a Simulation next Wednesday, when they will make a "mask" to facilitate the treatments, and do a Cat Scan to enable my Radiology Team to map out the specifics of the Radiation targeting. Imagine that, now I've got my own TEAM. What more could a guy ask for??? Then I'll probably start treatments a week after that. On Monday, I'll be seeing my Dentist, Dwight Mounts, and his able assistant Jennine will be making me a set of Fluoride trays, to protect the ol' chompers.
OK, there's the short version, I've gotta hit the road, as I'm late (OK, so old habits die hard...).
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter, don’t mind.” Theodor Seuss Geisel
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
There's no place like home...

But, there's no place like home, and I felt strongly motivated to get back here, and tend to the myriad pile of stuff that needs tending. Which is what I've been doing. Of course the first thing I discovered is I am still cursed with Cyber separation syndrome, in other words, by computing in more than one place (and no, Geek that I am, there is no Laptop that travels with me), inevitably something I need or want, is at the "other" place. Argghhhh. So, some of my "tools" and fodder for the Blog were left at Amanda's... but I guess that only really matters to me, and I'm blaming all shortcomings, oversights and forgetfulness on Medication. One ironic side effect of this has been I've not been late ONCE in the past two weeks! I think I can lay that off on my new Mantra of Life = 4 - 8 - 12; 4 - 8 - 12.
So it was that I decided (and received approval from Mrs. Jones) that I would attend my Bartender Class, and return to Lahaina with Dan Snyder, and his driving Mother's Miata had nothing to do with it (thank you Katheryn). Once back in Lahaina, Dan was kind enough to run some shopping errands for me, and drop off three of my TV's (yes, I collect everything) at the Salvation Army. With the TV's out of the way, I rousted another friend, Capt. Tom Warren to come over and give Dan a hand with hauling out some furniture items from my living room, so I can proceed with reconfiguring to accommodate "home computing," in the manner to which I am accustomed. They were great, took them all of 20 minuets, and I've been procrastinating for MONTHS.

Sunday I just kind of took off, and slept most of the day. Roused myself around 4:00pm and headed into town (yes, I drove) for what I thought would be a quite afternoon session at the Yacht Club. WRONG. Seems John Domingo had decided to throw a "campaign" party, for a last minuet write in challenge for the upcoming Board of Governors elections next month. Actually, I think it was just a good excuse for a party. Anyway, there was food (the Galley's closed on Sunday, so John and a few friends brought in their own), loud music and much liquid consumption going on. The place was nutz! Not at all what I was expecting, and my Iced Tea (not the Long Island version either) just somehow seemed out of place. But it was good to see many Friends among the group, and rather enjoyed myself, it was a nice change of pace.
Yesterday was spent puttering, cleaning, and a couple errands which wound up being more than I'd anticipated, which made it quite easy to take the rest of the day off. The Turtles are still here, en force. The big storm we were supposed to have merely skirted Maui, and although we did get some rain, it was tolerable, and as always, welcome.
And here we are, it's Tuesday, and I'm muscling up for my initial visit to the Radiologist, Dr. Makishi. Dan had offered to take me over, but Pearl and I are going to have a whirl at it on our own... I've plenty of time, and feeling like I should be able to manage. I'm also expecting to drive back this afternoon, as I've still a bunch to do, and time is running out. So, DASSIT for now. I'll be back with a full report as soon as I can jot it down.
"A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them." Leonard Louis Levinson