Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou - Happy New Year.

ORIGIN: The western Christmas and New Year fell during the same time of the year that the Hawaiian's traditionally honored the earth for giving them plenty to eat. This period of resting and feasting was called Makahiki (mah-kah-HEE- kee). It lasted for 4 months, and no wars or conflicts were allowed during this time. Because makahiki also means "year", the Hawaiian phrase for "Happy New Year" became "Hau'oli (happy) Makahiki (year) Hou (new)"(how-OH-lee mah-kah-hee-kee ho) - And now you know!

No wars for 4 Months!? What a concept. A 4 Month party instead! Hmmmmm...


"The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it." - Jean-Paul Sartre


  1. Great quote. And I didn't know that about our Island phrase...thanks for the tidbit.
    Love you Dad!

  2. RON RON RON!!!!
    Oh my gosh! I just looked at Rick Orts blog and saw this stuff about you. I am SOOO sorry that you are now a member of the "club you didnt ask to join." I went to your first post and started reading............will come back later and continue but wanted to stop to say that you will be in our prayers and will keep in touch with you.
    I was discharged from my b.c. doc just a month ago and she did not plan on seeing me back but I was back with a newly diagnosed friend on Monday....(have spend a lot of time with her this week. looks like hers is also early and will be easily treated...) but getting a cancer diagnosis is a freak out..that sudden paralysis of your brain...oh yeaah...the info overload.....until now it is just CANCER. Then we find out it is very many different kinds....mind boggling. yuk. boo hiss cancer.

    anyway....will be back to "catch up" on whats been happening......did not know about the job thing either..

    keep your awesome sense of humor Ron.....
    Love and blessings,


  3. p..s. blogs are very cool. I want one too....
