I think I can pretty fairly say, the Cell Wars have begun, and not all that unfavorably. The first Radiation Treatment on Thursday ran about 45 minuets, and I don't mind admitting, it was more than a bit "uncomfortable." The "mask," having now had a chance to set, was a wee bit more tight fitting than when we made it. Most noticeable was right below my Adam's apple, and every time I'd try to swallow, it was as if I was being choked. I tried to relax and be calm, which was fine, to a point, but the real problem was dealing with the teeth trays in, and the strained breathing, all I could think about was what's going to happen when the throat's sorer, the dry mouth is worse, and my patience is dwindling... that was what had me edgy. We also had a couple of false starts, which required some repositioning and prolonged things further.
But, finally we were done, the crew was satisfied, I was released, with the assurance that the rest of the sessions would go quicker. One bonus was they had a way lot of "treats" set out. You gotta love the Holidays. Orange chiffon cake, Red & Green Jello cubes, Banana Bread, and a dozen other assorted goodies - which the admonished, "Eat 'em now, while you feel like it!" Well, with encouragement like that, I did. Then it was off to Kaiser for my second (weekly) Chemo treatment of the Erbitux/Benedryl IV. Well, this was now half the initial dose, as will the rest be. Gotta tell you, it went even easier than the first one, which you may recall wasn't all that bad either. The REALLY good news is, that night came and went without the sweats, excessively dry mouth or the pounding headache. I was only up twice, and that was to make room for more water. So, the first week we'll say ended on a high note.
I drove back to Lahaina for the weekend, to tend to some personal business and to try and get further along with setting my apartment to order with my new desk and office arrangement. Dan Snyder pitched in, and together we actually made some progress.
So, at this point, I'm gonna let you all off the hook for a bit, and will be signing off until next week, when I'll report in again. I'll be ready to share the news of my recruiting a Transportation Team of stalwart supporters, to help fill in while Amanda's gone and relieve some of the burden on Kelly - and secretly, it'll provide me with a broad range of diversion and personal enjoyment to have time to spend with Friends who care enough to pitch in and help out this ol' Guy in his time of need. I'll also be intending to interject some of my past "Wanderings" of some of my more memorable adventures or encounters to break the monotony of this medical sh*t, and hopefully there will be a tale or two some of you might find entertaining.
Christmas is almost here. It's always been one of my favorite times of the year, which reminds me, for what it's worth and to anyone who's "listening," I've a request to make... PLEASE, if only where I'm concerned, please DO NOT ever, EVER use the abbreviation of "X-MAS." It is REALLY a pet peeve of mine, and not one I'm prone to lecture about, but it does gripe me, and this seemed a decent opportunity to announce it to the Universe, at least anyone who's listening. I'd encourage you to remember my simple request, and at every opportunity, to encourage each of you to pass it on, whenever you have occasion to encounter someone else doing so. It's CHRISTMAS Folks, and if you take CHRIST out of Christmas, all you have left is "mas" or one big MESS. Heck, after all, it's not about the presents, the cards, the candy or food, it's about Jesus Birthday, plain and simple. And, whether your Christian or not, believe in Santa or not, or whatever, can't we all just be big enough to realize it for what it is, and allow everyone the freedom to believe in as they choose, and not force anyone to not?
To my thinking it's just an extension of one of my stock questions, "Why cant we all just get along?" Give it a try, it doesn't take much, it costs nothing and there's always some way to fit in the other five letters. Give it a try. At least for me. MAHALO (Thank You.) Aloha Ya'll.
Oh hey... wait, what's that I hear??? Out in the back, up on the roof... coud it be? I don't know, I'd better go check.
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail." - Abraham Maslow
But, finally we were done, the crew was satisfied, I was released, with the assurance that the rest of the sessions would go quicker. One bonus was they had a way lot of "treats" set out. You gotta love the Holidays. Orange chiffon cake, Red & Green Jello cubes, Banana Bread, and a dozen other assorted goodies - which the admonished, "Eat 'em now, while you feel like it!" Well, with encouragement like that, I did. Then it was off to Kaiser for my second (weekly) Chemo treatment of the Erbitux/Benedryl IV. Well, this was now half the initial dose, as will the rest be. Gotta tell you, it went even easier than the first one, which you may recall wasn't all that bad either. The REALLY good news is, that night came and went without the sweats, excessively dry mouth or the pounding headache. I was only up twice, and that was to make room for more water. So, the first week we'll say ended on a high note.
I drove back to Lahaina for the weekend, to tend to some personal business and to try and get further along with setting my apartment to order with my new desk and office arrangement. Dan Snyder pitched in, and together we actually made some progress.
So, at this point, I'm gonna let you all off the hook for a bit, and will be signing off until next week, when I'll report in again. I'll be ready to share the news of my recruiting a Transportation Team of stalwart supporters, to help fill in while Amanda's gone and relieve some of the burden on Kelly - and secretly, it'll provide me with a broad range of diversion and personal enjoyment to have time to spend with Friends who care enough to pitch in and help out this ol' Guy in his time of need. I'll also be intending to interject some of my past "Wanderings" of some of my more memorable adventures or encounters to break the monotony of this medical sh*t, and hopefully there will be a tale or two some of you might find entertaining.
Christmas is almost here. It's always been one of my favorite times of the year, which reminds me, for what it's worth and to anyone who's "listening," I've a request to make... PLEASE, if only where I'm concerned, please DO NOT ever, EVER use the abbreviation of "X-MAS." It is REALLY a pet peeve of mine, and not one I'm prone to lecture about, but it does gripe me, and this seemed a decent opportunity to announce it to the Universe, at least anyone who's listening. I'd encourage you to remember my simple request, and at every opportunity, to encourage each of you to pass it on, whenever you have occasion to encounter someone else doing so. It's CHRISTMAS Folks, and if you take CHRIST out of Christmas, all you have left is "mas" or one big MESS. Heck, after all, it's not about the presents, the cards, the candy or food, it's about Jesus Birthday, plain and simple. And, whether your Christian or not, believe in Santa or not, or whatever, can't we all just be big enough to realize it for what it is, and allow everyone the freedom to believe in as they choose, and not force anyone to not?
To my thinking it's just an extension of one of my stock questions, "Why cant we all just get along?" Give it a try, it doesn't take much, it costs nothing and there's always some way to fit in the other five letters. Give it a try. At least for me. MAHALO (Thank You.) Aloha Ya'll.
Oh hey... wait, what's that I hear??? Out in the back, up on the roof... coud it be? I don't know, I'd better go check.
"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail." - Abraham Maslow
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