Again, Whonk, Whoonk, Whooonnkk… Trink Clink-Trink Clink; Arouke a Doodle Doo; Chawoof, Chawoof, Ahroo-roo-roo-roo-roouuu; Whooshhh, shaaaaa; and ah yes, there it is, faint at first, is the throaty gurgle of the Gevelia accompanied by the heady aroma of my cinnamon infused Lion’s French Roast, and I know, ANOTHER DAY HAS BEGUN. Not just any day mind you, this will be the last day before the Cell Wars begin…
Mango the Mala Mallard is making her figure eight cycles between the little park across the street, and Mark Ellman’s Mala Tavern, down by Safeway. The morning traffic has started its rhythmic patter as tires go rolling over the cast iron service cover by the driveway. The Roosters next door are in fine voice, and of course set the neighborhood Dogs (big and little) barking. And the ever present, incessantly steady refrain of the surf sings its Siren song. Ahhh, life is grand.
Whonk, Whaaack, Whaackk, Whaackk… that Duck is persistent. Kind of funny though, how she tends to quiet the dang Chickens… I hop out of bed and race to the door (OK, I slide out slowly, tread somewhat tentatively, and try to force my feeble eyes to focus) and behold the beginning of another GREAT day. HULA GIRL and SHANGRALA are stretched back on their moorings, reaching for L
anai, there’s a slight haze from the Vog, and through the dew drop dappled screen I can see several little Turtle heads bobbing in the surf, and I know (again) that LIFE IS GOOD. It’s high time to get up and about, too much to do, too little time in which to get it done.
I’m off for my Blood Test, and then back for dreaded domestic duties, and later, hopefully a call from “Little Brother” Dan, to do some furniture retrieval.

But before I "wander" off, I've got to share something I stumbled across the other day. Everyone knows my penchant for Computing, Children and Charities. Well they all came together for me the other day, and I was able to do something about it. I share it with you today, if for no other reason than it might just spark an impulse in someone, to share it with someone else, and eventually, SOMEONE will hop on the band wagon too.
The One Laptop per Child Foundation has a great program, who's mission is to put a Laptop in the hands of every child on the planet. Pretty ambitious concept, but what a great one. They can tell you about it better than I can, so check out their website at http://www.laptop.org/en/
The "real deal" is the GIVE ONE, GET ONE promotion currently being offered on AMAZON: www.amazon.com/xo For $200 you can give a Child (somewhere) literally a pathway to the future. For $400 you can do that and get one for yourself (to hopefully put in the hands of a Child of your own choosing). From there the sky's the limit. Consider this... Not all of have the means to drop a couple hundred bucks to help a kid we'll never know or ever see, but some of us do. Who knows how it'll affect that Child, the Guardian and Fabricator of our Future? But SOME OF US DO. Or what about forming a Hui (group of Family or Friends) with everyone throwing in $10~$20 and go from there. Heck, if an organization (or someone with really deep pockets) were to commit to 100 units, you could even choose where they went!!!
I've also got a story to share, which is what led to my actually doing something about the whole One Child, One Laptop thing, which I've been following for over a year. It's about a Fellow in Africa (Prince Bananah) with little in the way of material goods, whose greatest treasure is a cell phone, and his greatest gift, a love and respect for others. Bonnie Nelson was the source, and he was my inspiration. But that Dear Fellow Wanderer's - will have to be another time...
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future." - American Indian Proverb
Mango the Mala Mallard is making her figure eight cycles between the little park across the street, and Mark Ellman’s Mala Tavern, down by Safeway. The morning traffic has started its rhythmic patter as tires go rolling over the cast iron service cover by the driveway. The Roosters next door are in fine voice, and of course set the neighborhood Dogs (big and little) barking. And the ever present, incessantly steady refrain of the surf sings its Siren song. Ahhh, life is grand.
Whonk, Whaaack, Whaackk, Whaackk… that Duck is persistent. Kind of funny though, how she tends to quiet the dang Chickens… I hop out of bed and race to the door (OK, I slide out slowly, tread somewhat tentatively, and try to force my feeble eyes to focus) and behold the beginning of another GREAT day. HULA GIRL and SHANGRALA are stretched back on their moorings, reaching for L

I’m off for my Blood Test, and then back for dreaded domestic duties, and later, hopefully a call from “Little Brother” Dan, to do some furniture retrieval.

But before I "wander" off, I've got to share something I stumbled across the other day. Everyone knows my penchant for Computing, Children and Charities. Well they all came together for me the other day, and I was able to do something about it. I share it with you today, if for no other reason than it might just spark an impulse in someone, to share it with someone else, and eventually, SOMEONE will hop on the band wagon too.
The One Laptop per Child Foundation has a great program, who's mission is to put a Laptop in the hands of every child on the planet. Pretty ambitious concept, but what a great one. They can tell you about it better than I can, so check out their website at http://www.laptop.org/en/
The "real deal" is the GIVE ONE, GET ONE promotion currently being offered on AMAZON: www.amazon.com/xo For $200 you can give a Child (somewhere) literally a pathway to the future. For $400 you can do that and get one for yourself (to hopefully put in the hands of a Child of your own choosing). From there the sky's the limit. Consider this... Not all of have the means to drop a couple hundred bucks to help a kid we'll never know or ever see, but some of us do. Who knows how it'll affect that Child, the Guardian and Fabricator of our Future? But SOME OF US DO. Or what about forming a Hui (group of Family or Friends) with everyone throwing in $10~$20 and go from there. Heck, if an organization (or someone with really deep pockets) were to commit to 100 units, you could even choose where they went!!!
I've also got a story to share, which is what led to my actually doing something about the whole One Child, One Laptop thing, which I've been following for over a year. It's about a Fellow in Africa (Prince Bananah) with little in the way of material goods, whose greatest treasure is a cell phone, and his greatest gift, a love and respect for others. Bonnie Nelson was the source, and he was my inspiration. But that Dear Fellow Wanderer's - will have to be another time...
"Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is of the past, Wisdom is of the future." - American Indian Proverb
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