[FYI - The Flowers are from Friend Nicole, whom I've met recently through High School Buddy, Rick Ortenburger. Nicole's going to be visiting Oahu with her Family next month. It just goes to show, you don't always know how something you do or think is going to effect others... so do good things. THANK YOU Nicole.]
Well, maybe a little. Can't seem to think of any better reason for being up at 3:30AM this morning. Heck, the past two previous nights I actually managed to pretty much sleep through the whole night, in spite of the 47 Gallons of H2O sloshing around inside me somewhere.
So, I'm thinking that perhaps the call I got yesterday, from the Radiation Clinic, asking me to show up there - FOR MY FIRST TREATMENT - before I went for the Chemo at 11:00am could be the root of this current sleep disorder... Growing up, I never really got clear on how a "big Guy" acts scared, well, except for maybe a few times in the Military and one errant Toboggan ride while I was in High School, I don't recall much ever having needed too.
At first I tried to convince myself it was from an overdose of Longboard Lager at the Club last evening. I'd had occasion to meet up with a Friend, who was headed to Barnes & Noble on a bicycle, at night, with no lights, and had offered to give her and said bike a ride in Pearl, and then drop her at home. Which occasioned a second (and ultimately a third, as we'd found out B&N was actually open past 7:30pm, even in Lahaina). Given that I've had a total of about six in over the past three weeks, I probably did, which MAY be accounting for the dry mouth and achy tongue, which was I'm sure what awakened me in the first place.
Besides having the opportunity to come to the aid of a Damsel in "distress, and in addition to the usual cast of Characters at the Club (among them Stan "the Man" Anderson, finally back following his very successful knee surgery, Bill Carsten who shares my DOB, Bobby Powers - lobbying to switch Membership status with his Wife, so she could be the Club Secretary, John Domingo - explaining that he couldn't, Steve Taylor had even stopped in to settle an old debt - thank you Steve, and it was also a BOG meeting night -with both Boards attending - the place was hoppin'); Friends Leon O'Neill and Kathy had popped in as they're here from Redondo Beach until the end of January, and a BIG SURPRISE, stumbled (well not really, more like "wandered") into very good Friends Les & Judy Crouch, just in from Del Mar/Henderson/London for a couple weeks visit. For being such a small town, in the middle of the Pacific, you sure never know who's gonna pop-up here, which is one of the things I love so much about this place.
I digress... So, after a(nother) bottle of water, a dose of Magic Mouthwash, and 20 minutes of Video Poker, it's become clear to me, that there are "other things" scurrying about in the vast caverns of my psyche, and I've no one to distract me, talk to or drink with! Yikes. OK, so I'll admit it now, truth of the matter is, I guess I am "a little bit apprehensive" about all this. After a week the "rash" from the Chemo isn't all that bad, but it's becoming noticeable, and my forehead and scalp seem to be a bit more itchy than usual, so my concern there is growing. I've mostly just not thought about the Radiation, or even the fact that this is all because I DO HAVE CANCER. Yikes, guess that's gonna change for sure, tomorrow. Reality. What a ridiculous concept...
OK I feel better now. I'm telling you, this BLOG THERAPY works wonders. And speaking of wonders, the thing that's really got me walking in the clouds is all the support, love and encouragement I've been getting, and things have barely begun bothering me. Now that is overwhelming, and a reality I'd not expected. Oh my gosh, how am I ever gonna be able to repay or give back for all the positive reinforcement I've showered with. Well, can't think about that now, or as my Brother from a different Mother (Tom Warren) pointed out to me yesterday, "I'm gonna cry!" A reaction he'd had to the VERY OVERWHELMING response I'd gotten from my "Transportation Team Troopers" - which Dear Friends, is another story... OK, back to Sleepsville, as I've an early appointment with Destiny in a few short hours, like it or not...
"Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes." - John Dewey
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