One of the many curses of the Technical Age, can often be a Blessing in discuise... TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES! Heralded by the "drum roll" ring tone of my Cell Phone, I received a call from Mylessia at the Clinic this morning, informing me that, "... the Machine wasn't working, and it might just not be, until tomorrow!" Well, that news came with mixed blessings, as all I want to do at this point is be done. But, it gives me ample space to share something esle instead, and this is JUST PLAIN FANTASTIC!
As I mentioned in the previous post, while at Amanda's on Saturday, December 20th, we were fortunate enough to have a Surprise visit by Santa Claus, as arranged by Dan "the Man" Snyder, as a "gift" to Amanda and the Kidz, Haily (19 months) and Tyler (3 years). Also joing us, and providing the excellent photos and video was Bonnie (Momma Duma) Nelson. Bonnie had brough along her collection of CHEETAH GIRLS music.
OK, that's enough of a lead in. Bonnie's put together a fabulous Jones Family Video, set a song by the Cheetah Girls, "5 More Days 'Til Christmas" which coincidentally was the count from our special evening. When you'll see it, I've no doubt you'll be able to tell why I'm so excited to share it, and also why I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful Family.
CLICK HERE to see the Video.

OK, that's enough of a lead in. Bonnie's put together a fabulous Jones Family Video, set a song by the Cheetah Girls, "5 More Days 'Til Christmas" which coincidentally was the count from our special evening. When you'll see it, I've no doubt you'll be able to tell why I'm so excited to share it, and also why I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful Family.
CLICK HERE to see the Video.
On a side note... it was a bit sad that Madison and Grayson were unable to join us, as their Mom had an important engagement (which worked out well for her I hear) and they spent the evening with Nanna Anne in Makawao, and also missed were Cody, Brittany, and Chase - Carl & Wendy's "little ones" who besides being in Las Vegas are probably just a wee bit "old" for Santa anyway. Regardless, they're MY GRANDKIDZ and I love 'em all a bunch.
My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" ~ Bob Hope
I love seeing all the warm weather clothes! Makes me look forward to our vacation at the end of Jan.