I cannot begin to tell you how truly great it was for me to spend last week at my Daughter Amanda's. I don't think there's anything I could have done differently to have things be easier on me. They have a very nice home in Maui Lani Estates, which is only about 5 minutes from the Kaiser Clinic, Maui Memorial Hospital, the Bobby Baker Cancer Clinic, Kahului Harbor, the Airport, Kaahumanu Center (the Mall) Home Depot, Cosco and Walmart. What more could a guy ask for geographically. Add to that having two of my seven Grandchildren under foot, to keep me on my toes, on top of which Kelly (big Sister) and here terrific two just up the hill in Pukalani, I've had no shortage of LOVE. I'm a big believer that Kidz are great, especially when they're "yours" and they've the personalities and disposition mine have. And Amanda was a great trouper, making sure Dad was comfortable, didn't do ANYTHING, ate (drank) enough and stayed on the Med sched, besides being my faithful companion on all Doctor visits and other fun excursions into Medland - which I've always had a considerable aversion too, even when things were good!

But, there's no place like home, and I felt strongly motivated to get back here, and tend to the myriad pile of stuff that needs tending. Which is what I've been doing. Of course the first thing I discovered is I am still cursed with Cyber separation syndrome, in other words, by computing in more than one place (and no, Geek that I am, there is no Laptop that travels with me), inevitably something I need or want, is at the "other" place. Argghhhh. So, some of my "tools" and fodder for the Blog were left at Amanda's... but I guess that only really matters to me, and I'm blaming all shortcomings, oversights and forgetfulness on Medication. One ironic side effect of this has been I've not been late ONCE in the past two weeks! I think I can lay that off on my new Mantra of Life = 4 - 8 - 12; 4 - 8 - 12.
So it was that I decided (and received approval from Mrs. Jones) that I would attend my Bartender Class, and return to Lahaina with Dan Snyder, and his driving Mother's Miata had nothing to do with it (thank you Katheryn). Once back in Lahaina, Dan was kind enough to run some shopping errands for me, and drop off three of my TV's (yes, I collect everything) at the Salvation Army. With the TV's out of the way, I rousted another friend, Capt. Tom Warren to come over and give Dan a hand with hauling out some furniture items from my living room, so I can proceed with reconfiguring to accommodate "home computing," in the manner to which I am accustomed. They were great, took them all of 20 minuets, and I've been procrastinating for MONTHS.

Sunday I just kind of took off, and slept most of the day. Roused myself around 4:00pm and headed into town (yes, I drove) for what I thought would be a quite afternoon session at the Yacht Club. WRONG. Seems John Domingo had decided to throw a "campaign" party, for a last minuet write in challenge for the upcoming Board of Governors elections next month. Actually, I think it was just a good excuse for a party. Anyway, there was food (the Galley's closed on Sunday, so John and a few friends brought in their own), loud music and much liquid consumption going on. The place was nutz! Not at all what I was expecting, and my Iced Tea (not the Long Island version either) just somehow seemed out of place. But it was good to see many Friends among the group, and rather enjoyed myself, it was a nice change of pace.
Yesterday was spent puttering, cleaning, and a couple errands which wound up being more than I'd anticipated, which made it quite easy to take the rest of the day off. The Turtles are still here, en force. The big storm we were supposed to have merely skirted Maui, and although we did get some rain, it was tolerable, and as always, welcome.
And here we are, it's Tuesday, and I'm muscling up for my initial visit to the Radiologist, Dr. Makishi. Dan had offered to take me over, but Pearl and I are going to have a whirl at it on our own... I've plenty of time, and feeling like I should be able to manage. I'm also expecting to drive back this afternoon, as I've still a bunch to do, and time is running out. So, DASSIT for now. I'll be back with a full report as soon as I can jot it down.
"A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them." Leonard Louis Levinson

But, there's no place like home, and I felt strongly motivated to get back here, and tend to the myriad pile of stuff that needs tending. Which is what I've been doing. Of course the first thing I discovered is I am still cursed with Cyber separation syndrome, in other words, by computing in more than one place (and no, Geek that I am, there is no Laptop that travels with me), inevitably something I need or want, is at the "other" place. Argghhhh. So, some of my "tools" and fodder for the Blog were left at Amanda's... but I guess that only really matters to me, and I'm blaming all shortcomings, oversights and forgetfulness on Medication. One ironic side effect of this has been I've not been late ONCE in the past two weeks! I think I can lay that off on my new Mantra of Life = 4 - 8 - 12; 4 - 8 - 12.
So it was that I decided (and received approval from Mrs. Jones) that I would attend my Bartender Class, and return to Lahaina with Dan Snyder, and his driving Mother's Miata had nothing to do with it (thank you Katheryn). Once back in Lahaina, Dan was kind enough to run some shopping errands for me, and drop off three of my TV's (yes, I collect everything) at the Salvation Army. With the TV's out of the way, I rousted another friend, Capt. Tom Warren to come over and give Dan a hand with hauling out some furniture items from my living room, so I can proceed with reconfiguring to accommodate "home computing," in the manner to which I am accustomed. They were great, took them all of 20 minuets, and I've been procrastinating for MONTHS.

Sunday I just kind of took off, and slept most of the day. Roused myself around 4:00pm and headed into town (yes, I drove) for what I thought would be a quite afternoon session at the Yacht Club. WRONG. Seems John Domingo had decided to throw a "campaign" party, for a last minuet write in challenge for the upcoming Board of Governors elections next month. Actually, I think it was just a good excuse for a party. Anyway, there was food (the Galley's closed on Sunday, so John and a few friends brought in their own), loud music and much liquid consumption going on. The place was nutz! Not at all what I was expecting, and my Iced Tea (not the Long Island version either) just somehow seemed out of place. But it was good to see many Friends among the group, and rather enjoyed myself, it was a nice change of pace.
Yesterday was spent puttering, cleaning, and a couple errands which wound up being more than I'd anticipated, which made it quite easy to take the rest of the day off. The Turtles are still here, en force. The big storm we were supposed to have merely skirted Maui, and although we did get some rain, it was tolerable, and as always, welcome.
And here we are, it's Tuesday, and I'm muscling up for my initial visit to the Radiologist, Dr. Makishi. Dan had offered to take me over, but Pearl and I are going to have a whirl at it on our own... I've plenty of time, and feeling like I should be able to manage. I'm also expecting to drive back this afternoon, as I've still a bunch to do, and time is running out. So, DASSIT for now. I'll be back with a full report as soon as I can jot it down.
"A pessimist sees only the dark side of the clouds, and mopes; a philosopher sees both sides, and shrugs; an optimist doesn't see the clouds at all - he's walking on them." Leonard Louis Levinson
Great update! I like your paint app... see my picture for you.
and heres the link to tylers...http://offtype.net/image_5688485534095.gif.html