But then the reality sets in... yea, sure, somebody will be interested now and then, in one thing or other, but coming up with really good stuff, with a broad range of appeal, wow - that winds up being pretty intimidating, and old insecurities surface, which leads to deliberation, which leads to distraction which winds up as apathy - and nothing gets written.

That's why there was no LAHAINA HALLOWEEN 2008 report (Daughter Amanda & Grandson Tyler "Batman" on candy raid). That's why there was no "FIRST DAY OF BARTENDER SCHOOL" report. That's why I haven't reported on my saga with being unexpectedly un-employed, and my efforts to deal with the Unemployment Office; securing continued Health Insurance coverage; and converting my 401K (which thankfully I happen to have). So, motivation - that's the missing ingrediant, oh, and of course my limited talent as an actual writer. Well, who knows... you never can tell, sometimes motivation comes from the strangest places...
I guess one other thing that inhibits me with Bolgging, is the Chronological nature of things... anyone who knows me, is all to well aware of my issues with time management... which manifests itself here because following some notable happing or other, is the least likely time I find to write about it, and when I do find the right time, it seems like a missed opportunity or event from the past, and again, "Who Cares?" It's "history."
But the nature of Wandering is to "keep going" and so I shall. But you might as well know right now, while my intent is to be faithful to the Blog being timely, I'm not gonna be shy about digressing to happier or more interesting times, and they migrate in and out of Memory.
So, "To the adventure", for anyone wishing to come along, as often and for as long as you're inclined. And with that, I think I've rambled enough and gone nowhere for now.
Until next time, Aloha, Ron Wall
Hi DAD. There a many motivations for a Blog. Mine may not be the same as yours. I would like to just keep family and friends up to date. And of course to hear myself think out loud. I do like the challenge of writting for entertainment, for the sake of posterity and simply to share information that somedone may stumble upon. Keep wandering!