Friday, December 19, 2008

Magical Maui Morning Makes Me Mellow...

Just a quick up-date - as yesterday did mark the begining of our 35 Days of Cell Wars (read that as the next 7 weeks). As you can see, it began as another typical Lahaina day in the Neighborhood. We've even gotten high tech in our Trash collection here now, starting bi-weekly pick-ups with the automated/one can process. The significance of this is, the trucks are so much quieter, one can actually sleep past their 5:30am arrival time!

So, as things turned out, we wound up going for the Radiation Treatment before the Chemo - evidently it doesn't matter all that much which happens when at this point.

Things went well, and the Chemo did too, had a good nights sleep, only woke up once with a bit of a dry throat and a "scratchy" tongue.

But now must dash of for my second Radiation session, at my now regular time of 10:10am. More on all this later.

Peace, Love & Groovey... Ron Wall

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