Which in turn brings to mind... all the Ladies who are Dear to me (in no particular order) - Kelly & Amanda; Mom Dorothy of course; Sister Karen; Wendy, Brittany, Madison, and Hailey; Kristie, Kari, Gayle & Evie, Mary, Debbie & Nadine; Emily, Leslie Galore, Stephanie, Leatha, Cara, Sherry Lynn, Hana, Lynae, Lea, Heidi, Lori, Jannette & Mary Lou, Jan & Mary Ann, Sam & Charlie & Bonnie at the Bank, Sherian, Shannon and Sara & Nancy too; Pat, Kathy, the other Kathy, Jilly, Judy, Wendy "O", Bonnie, Bee & Doris, Becky, Diana, Ms. Nancy, and Kathy K; Emma, Jennifer, Jen, Jenna & Fawn; RSVP Emilie, Edie, Susan; Franci, Amy, Katie, Carol, Janie, Shelley & Kathie and Debi; Aunt Elaine, Claudia, Ramona, Roberta, CeCe, Laura, Linda E and Linda D, Tina, Cyndi & Peggy; and Nicole, Jill, Barbara, Holly, Dominique, Susan, Sharon, Donna and Donna, Kathy; Chris & Erin, Katherine, and not to be left out, Anne of course.
Whew! And to be sure there are others, near and far whos absence from this list is only because I haven't had the pleasure of any recent contact, and so are not forefront on me mind. And so my Dear Ladies, it is my heartfelt wish that you have music in your hearts and a spring in your step, and may you dance merrily through the day. OK, I know, "9 Ladies Dancing" is tomorrow, but somehow it's just not the same to wish you all Merry Milking! Anway, I love you all dearly and thank you for allowing me to share in whatever part of your lives we have. God Bless.
And with it being only "5 MORE DAYS TIL' CHRISTMAS" I just had to share this little 2008 IMovie from Auntie Bonnie Nelson (Momma Duma) featuring Amanda's little cherubs, Tyler & Hailey and SANTA CLAUS. What can I say, I'm just a proud Grandpa!
And also for you, Dear Ladies, todays entertainment is brought to us by THE KING. No, not Baby Jesus our Christmas King, but a more earthly version, from the Entertainment Industry - Mr. ELVIS PRESSLEY, singing BLUE CHRISTMAS. This is for you GIRLS, enjoy.
"There's more, much more, to Christmas
Than candlelight and cheer;
It's the spirit of sweet friendship
That brightens all year.
It's thoughtfulness and kindness,
It's hope reborn again,
For peace, for understanding,
And for goodwill to men (and Women)!" ~ Author Unknown
Very sweet ... thank you! I enjoyed your series ... Looking forward to reading you in the new year! More importantly - I'm looking forward to seeing you in the new year !!! Claudia