Well the first thing that comes to mind these days - about "swimming" is my Grand Kids. Let me explain. As a small child myself, I learned early on how to swim, and have never lost my love for the water. As much as anything that motivates me; to where Kids are concerned that they at least know how to not drown even if not to become proficient swimmers.
And so, it should figure that I'm super pleased that Kelly & Amanda's Kidz are such polywogs and can't get enough of the pool and the ocean. Little water babies is to say the least.

Little miss Hailey, at 3 years, is fearless and not only is good in the pool, but loves to go boogie boarding with her Father, Kyle and body surfing with Grandpa. Her best times she describes with glee are, "GETTING SLAMMED!"

And here we have Master Grayson (7 years), doing a little skim boarding which he picked up from his Uncle Carl. Gray's getting better on his surfboard too, I figure Hookipa in another 8~10 years... look out Big Wave Dave & others!
So what does that have to do whith Christmas? Well heck, nothing. But the photos are better than looking at snow don't you think? And so you don't think I'm not even trying to stay on track here, we will keep with the water theme, and here's Johnny Mathis to take you on a SLEIGH RIDE with a nice little addition I hope you'll enjoy.
He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.” ~ Roy L. Smith
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