And, since we're starting a little off-kilter, I'm going to go ahead and share what will be perhaps the most irreverent and un-Christmas like versions of the 12 Days... it's by FOSTER BROOKS and for those of us old enough to remember him, he's perhaps best know for his comedic routines as a drunkard. And here-in, he does not disappoint. For example, his "first day of Christmasmas" starts with a shot of Gin! Yes Mother, you'll want to skip this one for the Kiddos, and Mom - you probably won't like it either. But hey, tomorrow's another day.
OK, ok... I know that's probably not a good way to start off, and it might just put some of you off enough that you won't be back, for fear of the same. SO, JUST SO'S YA KNOW my heart (and head) are in the right place, I've a little rendition of DECK THE HALLS here that's perfect for the children and animal lovers everywhere... bet you can't watch it without a smile and at least a couple of chuckles and "aaawwwwwes!"
“Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree." ~ Charlotte Carpenter.
Okay, that was hilarious! Kyle wants it as his ringtone. LOL!