OK - Before ya'll started pestering me - that Halloween's over, I figured I'd getter get something going here... so here's a little tropical rainbow for every one's enjoyment.
Next, and I'll apologize first if there's nothing here very exciting... but it's just back to the normal hum-drum life that is mine... no current trips planned for at least the rest of this year.
Let's see - to back-up a little to Halloween, I'd gone over and stayed at Amanda's to w
atch little Miss Hailey for the week, as Kyle was supervising a job at the Grand Wailea (he and his crew re-did the walkway & entrance to the Wedding Chapel, which was no small project - "after" photos to follow in a couple of days. Tyler's in his new Kindergarten class, and Hailey started pre-school this week so all's fairly well on that front, with Amanda studying her little heart out and coping with the realities of receiving her first "B" on an exam!

WRONG - I MUST APOLOGIZE FOR MY INACCURATE POST HERE - SHE DID NOT GET A "b" - After the scores were in and the Teacher adjusted the curve, she of course had an "A".
Kelly and Family have settled back into their quiet routine... NOT! Madison & Grayson are now going to Doris Todd over in Paia, as St. Joseph's in Makawao has closed there classroom doors, so with Kelly working at the Humane Society, plus doing her Notary's and Brooks doing Max's World Bistro Tuesday/Wednesdays & Cheeseburger's on Friday/Saturdays they never seem to have a dull moment either.
Carl & his Clan are due here for Thanksgiving... with Brittany coming a week early, as she has to get back for work AND school... anyway, it'll be good to see them here. One of the highlights should be getting everyone out on Tom Warren's KAMEHAMEHA for a Family day sail, and hopefully sighting a whale or two in the process.
So then on Halloween night I had the dubious honor (?) of serving as the doorman at the Yacht Club... and as it turned out Lahaina was kind of quiet and subsequently so was the Club, making door duty fairly easy, and leaving plenty of time for girl - no wait, I mean GHOUL watching!
Now this week I'm up watching Ben and Leighann Kaiser (along with Uncle Dan Snyder) while Momma Jill & Daddy-O Jeff are off-Island. Jeff sailing to Cabo in a Yacht Race and Jill visiting Family and Friends (Hi Roger & Jon!) in San Francisco, while trying to avoid the mobs of Giant revelers (and I mean the Fans, not "big" people), before joining Jeff down South. The Kids have been great, so this has been easy duty... or so I thought until I took the two "Girls" (that'd be Lucky & Uila - there two cute little orphaned Pit Bulls) down to Laniopoko Park for a run this morning... OMG, have those two got energy. So - big baby that I am, that's my excuse to take the rest of the day off... and so I'm gonna. Which means - I'm done here for now. Cheers!
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
... fans, not big people ... hahahahahahahaha