I realize that many of you are well aware of this website THE HUNGER SITE, but for those of you who aren't - it's a great way to do a lot of good for several worthwhile causes with very little effort.

Feed the Hungry with 1.1 cup of food.
Help provide a Free Mammogram.
Provide Health Care to a needy Child.
Fight Illiteracy by giving a youngster a Book.
Preserve 11.4 square feet of Rain forest.
Give 6 bowls of food to hungry Animals.
Now, think if you did that EVERY DAY. What if we all did?!! Well, that's the idea anyway. And all it takes is a minute or two out of your Computer Time. You can bookmark the link, or even better, like I've done, paste it onto your Browser Status Bar and it'll be right there, handy to use whenever it's most convenient.
All you do is visit the Hunger Website, no Log-In or Registration is necessary. You click on the CLICK HERE button, the page cycles, you click on the next TAB [Breast Cancer], then click on that BUTTON, and so on... it really only takes about a minute once you become familiar with the site. And yes, they have lots of little "things" you can by and plenty of additional information sources for anyone interested, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO BOTHER with any of it unless you want to.
And this is not a "paid political announcement." It's just something that seems worthwhile to me, it's painless, doesn't cost anything and can only do good. And if you have questions or would like additional explanation of any of the steps, just let me know and I'll be happy to go over it with you. Hope you didn't mind this little deviation from the norm... I promise not to do it often.
"Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence." - Robert Frost
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