OK, just kidding. After an uneventful flight to Mc Carren I caught the shuttle to the LAS VEGAS HILTON where I usually stay, as they've great rates and with a Monorail Station right there, you can easily get to almost any of the other Hotels/Casinos on the Strip. (FYI - they have a great promotion now if you've got the itch to travel, Rooms start at just $45.00. call the reservations department at 800-732-7117 and ask for PETV09)
Good Friends Les & Judy Crouch (owners of MAVERICK, a retired racing Sled I've had the pleasure of working and sailing on) drove out from Henderson to meet me for Dinner, and treated me to a wonderful meal at the CASA NICOLA. A very enjoyable evening with them. They're building a home on Maui (to retire too when they no longer wish to cruise the Carribean on Maverick), and shared their plans to plant flowers on a portion of the now "Agriculture" zoned property. As they had to drive back to Henderson we called it an early night.
Friday my Son Carl drove out from North Las Vegas (the Kidz were in school and Wife Wendy was in Virginia, helping out with Brother's new Baby I think), picked me up and we headed over to the NASCAR Cafe at the Sahara. We settled in at the Bar to watch the NASCAR Nationwide night Race at Richmond (of course) which was conveniently followed by the Laker's game - which they finally won for a change! They had Guinness on tap, which I'm really getting fond of, and I'm sure I had too many - although we went ahead and had dinner there, I managed to resist going for their famous 3D 6 pound burrito, as featured on "Man vs. Food" - One poor guy did have a go at it, and they wound up sending a 3 person crew to clean-up after him... Nuff Said!
Saturday Carl was back to pick me up (this time with Youngest Son Chase in tow), and we went back to their home for the afternoon. Had a nice visit with all three, Chase, Brittany & Cody and got the 411 on them. Then, just about when the NASCAR Sprint Cup was about to start and we'd finished the Pizza we'd had delivered, they each managed to slide off in different directions. Carl & I watched the Race and a movie after before Carl ran be back out to the Hotel.

OK, I know, you're all wondering... "Where's the Gambling report?" Well, I can honestly say I was VERY consertive this time, and actually came away with just about everything I came with, except the room charges. I had a couple rewarding sessions on the WHEEL OF FORTUNE Slots and resisted hoping on one of the Roulette Tables, and so faired well by resisting temptation!
And decided to cap off the evening by watching AVATAR in my room and calling it an early night, as I was off to fly again the next day.
"Why is it that the People who take the greatest offense at 'I told you so...', are the same one's who listen the least to 'I'm telling you NOW' "? - Ron Wall, 1993
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