So, where am I? Or more to the point, where WAS I? Oh yeah, left Vegas and flew to Portland, via SALT LAKE CITY, UT! Yep, for whatever crazy reason that's how DELTA gets you from Vegas to Portland. Well, I did manage to take advantage of the lay-over and met my Sister Karen and her Family for a brief visit which was fun. Not quite enough time get out of the A/P for dinner, but we did have a good chat, and it was good to see Hubby JC (Jim Clark) and the Boyz, Johnathan and Benjamin.
Even though I got into Portland at almost 11:00pm, my Cousin Sherry (Ralston) Simpson and her Husband Joe were kind enough to pick me up and put me up for the night. Loved the bed and woke to a great breakfast of scrambled eggs & fresh fruit. We spend a lazy day inside while it drizzled outside pretty much the whole time.
We had planned to have dinner that evening at Jake's Famous Crawfish at 6:00pm and I was caught a bit off-guard when Joe said at 4:00pm "We've gotta leave in20 minutes!" Well, figuring he had an errand or two to run I hopped too to shower and shave with Sherry chiding me to "Hurry up!" Well as it turned out, Kris had arranged a surprise stay at a swank hotel in the heart of Portland, THE HOTEL DELUXE, which as it turns out is on the Cond'e Nastes "Best 100 Hotels in America" list, and had elicited Joe's help in pulling it off.
Which they did, and we met Kris at the Hotel for an Adult beverage before we headed out to dinner which wound up being yet another sumptuous meal for all. Excellent Clam Chowder by the way. Then it was down the street and around the corner to Jimmy Mak's for a little live music. After the first set, and having given dinner time to settle we all agreed to call it a night with Joe and Sherry dropping us back at the Deluxe.
After a VERY SLOW morning (had to make the most of the luxurious accommodations) we headed out into town - Kris wanted to go to POWELL'S BOOK STORE. Now let me tell you, I was inclined to say "Pawshaw" at going to a "book-store" but was I in for an eye-opener! This place was HUGE... it covers a whole city block, is at least 4 stories tall and boasts the only 3 SIDED elevator West of the Mississippi River! Well that worked up an appetite so I said "Let's stop at the first place we can find a parking spot!" Lo and behold, that turned out to be at SERRATO'S, where Kris and I had met her Friends Joel & Diane Brauer for Dinner when I was had just started this trip. Kris had pizza and I had pasta (shrimp) - WOW, another great meal.
So since it happened to be Cinco d Mayo we'd thought about going out for Mexican Dinner that night. Turns out that's all we did... was think about it. I'd booked us at the La Quinta next to the Airport and we picked up a couple cans of TECATE and that was it. Cervasa & a Movie! The next morning it was Adios m'Love and back to Maui... Whew, what a trip. I'll close this chapter by saying that Dear Daughter Amanda was there to pick me up at the Airport and once again I'd come full circle having had a wonderful time with many wonderful Friends and Family. THANK YOU ALL... more than words could ever express...
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead there there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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