So, this being Memorial Day Weekend, I thought it only fitting to give a nod to those who have Served in the Armed Forces, defending our FREEDOM, as well as those currently serving, which include a couple of my Nephew's, a few Cousins, and Friends of my Children. THANK YOU ALL, FOR ALL YOU DO.
And just for Kicks... this is a photo of Kris and I right after my graduation from Boot Camp in San Diego circa 1966.

It's also fitting to acknowledge my Father, Edd Wall's time in service during WWII. Dad joined the Army Corps of Engineers as a Surveyor, thinking it'd be safe to be a "Map Maker"... little did he realize that what it would really mean was making the occasional foray BEHIND ENEMY LINES to map out tank tracks and attack routes. On one such expedition in Belgium, Dad's unit found themselves in a serious skirmish for which he received the Silver Star and a Purple Heart.
Another interesting side note about Dad's perspective on life at that time was, although he and

And now for those of you who might be wondering where I've been... here's the 411. My last post was on Sunday the 17th. Tuesday I took Tom Warren to get his Driver's License renewed, and let him use the Merc for the Driving Test. Then in the afternoon I helped a Friend resolve some Computer issues... Wednesday spent the first half of the day helping another Friend to get a Koa Roll-Top Desk moved. Then in the afternoon it was time to pack up and head to Amanda's in preparation for ?Thursday.
"For what?" you say... Weeelllllllll, I had a little Out-Patient surgery at Kaiser to repair an abdominal hernia, a leftover from my January surgery in Honolulu. Just a "normal" thing so I'm told... Well, the surgery must have gone OK, as I have virtually no recollection of the whole thing at all. Recovery wasn't all that difficult as I simply laid in the reclining chair and watched TV! Between NETFLIX on the Wii and Speed Channel, well, to say the least, the week went fast. I had a few tense moments when I realized that my pain meds wouldn't last through the weekend, and there was nothing I could do until Monday. But we got that worked out.
And speaking of "pain" - for the first three days the incision only hurt when I got up or down from the chair, but from day four on (and still today) my whole stomach is tender, and around the incision VERY tender and kind of hurts all the time. Well, I am off the pain meds for now, and I'm back for a follow-up next Thursday.
Also, last Wednesday was Carl & Kelly's birthday (40 years if you can believe that...) which they celebrated at MAX'S in Haiku. Well attended by many of Kelly & Carl's former L'Luna HS classmates and Friends. Although I had to miss the party, I did get to watch the Kidz, and even had an assistant Baby Sitter, Miranda Schweiner in to help with the "heavy stuff..." (Thanks Miranda). And by Thursday I headed home and that was it.
Yesterday was an early morning visit to the Dentist for Cleaning and annual x-rays. The damage done by the radiation seems to be slow to remedy, so that's causing some problems. And for whatever reason, after my session, by the time I got home I was totally wiped out and had to lay down, and wound up napping all afternoon. Having planned to meet Friend Marcus who is here visiting from Costa Mesa at the Club for dinner I muscled up and headed on into town. We had a good, quick dinner, then headed back to my Porch to watch the Sunset, but wound up calling it an early evening as I was still kinda pooped.
This morning was up early for the NATIONWIDE race at (and had a chance to catch the start of the ALMS series at Laguna Seca (last weeks race). Tomorrow we all know, it's the INDY 500 and later in the day the Coca Cola 600 at Charlotte... it should go without saying, you know where I'll be.
"Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible. I think it's in my basement... let me go upstairs and check." - M.C. Escher