Monday, February 9, 2009

OMG! It's the First Day of the Rest of Our Lives!

OK SPORTS FANS!! It's Monday, February 9th. Radiation Treatment # 34, and after 10:10am today, THERE'S ONLY ONE MORE TO GO!!! Hu-friggin'-Ray! (Sorry Mom, I just had to let that out.)

I woke up this morning, not with a sense abode, but one of wonder. It was kind of surrealistic, because first of all, it was light out, not o'dark thirty, as I'm used to awakening. Secondly, IT WAS QUIET! I didn't hear Hailey starting her morning weakened whimpering wail. I couldn't hear Tyler hollering "CAN I HAVE A TREAT?" or "I WANT A FRUIT ROLL-UP." It was actually quiet. there was the faint murmur of the TV, so I figured Kyle was up. I couldn't smell if the coffee was going, but then the ol' sniffer seems to have lost a little of it's ability to more than just itch lately.

So anyway, it was strange, my throat, tongue, cheeks and gums weren't cemented together, threatening to ignite in a blaze of pain if I swallowed. I did have the old urge "to Go" that I've come to know so well, but not the fear too breath because another day of NOISE, and hunger, and thirst, and pain was just beginning. Well, I got up, slipped into the Bathroom, grabbed a swig of H2O before reliving myself, had a rinse, took a (relatively painless) deep breath, and peeked out the door... Well, there was Hailey, up, smiling and toplessly toting her Bear, Tyler lying on the Couch, with that sly, coy, 'there's more on my mind than you think' look on his sleepy face, next to Kyle, watching Bloomberg and the Morning News.

... And it was QUIET. So, there I was, 7:30am in the morning, holding Hailey in my arms, feeling somewhat decent. I'd actually been asleep almost 3 hours, close to a new record. The DRY MOUTH syndrome wasn't all that bad. One noticeable change is the current stomach gurgling going on. With the Anti-biotic, pain-patch, Vicodin enhanced liquid diet, water based concoctions and Amanda's late night protein cocktail, it's resulted in quite the cacophony.

And so it is, I find myself getting Hailey dressed for her Day Care session, and sitting here watching our New President trying to sell his economic package to a "Town Hall" meeting in Somewhere, Indiana; something I'd almost never do. And actually being interested. Heidi (Hackler), I'm beginning to think you were right to back the Guy the way you did. And Emilie (Barry) your "other" Chicago Neighbor looks to be doing pretty darned good out of the gate.

Anyway, since Politics are NOT my thing, I found it interesting to see him out, talking "with the people" and his pushing for the Folks of the Senate and the House to work together to fix things around here. I don't think focusing on the Infrastructure is such a bad idea. And the remarkable thing about his LAST QUESTION, and offering it to a 9 year old Boy, was that it had to do with our Education system. Well darned tootin', we gotta do something about that. It wasn't so long ago, reading about how technology is changing so fast, and the economy is deteriorating almost as rapidly, we have to face one simple fact;

We have to build schools TODAY, to teach the Children of TOMORROW, about things that we don't even know exist yet.

Well, you go Pres.!

And speaking of going... that's what I must do. We're going to try and film today's session, "for the record!" Talk to Ya'll a little later.

"A word to the wise ain't necessary. It's the stupid ones who need the advice." - Bill Cosby

1 comment:

  1. we will all be celebrating "with you!!"
