Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Epiphany in the Wee Small Hours...

February 25th, 2009 2:50am, Lahaina, Maui, HI - back Home.

I've just awoken from an evidently pleasant 1 1/2 hour sleep segment, to discover that for the first time I've got a totally dry mouth. And I mean TOTALLY, tongue, gums, cheeks, throat, rough of my mouth, everything. Now, the remarkable thing is, nothing is stuck together. There is no pain with movement. Tongue slides easily over and between every surface, and again I say, there is no pain! It is at this point where I'm finally able to make the distinction between SALIVA and MUCOUS. And that's got to be the key.

So, before anything worse can happen, I jump (read that slowly roll) up out of bed, grab the ever handy bottle of water and take a swig, still marveling at what I've just experienced. Can you tell the focus of my world has narrowed? Careful not to inadvertently swipe the dingleberry on the end of my nose, I rub my eyes and continue to swish the mouth full of water as I get up to head to the lua to spit it out. And so I'm up!

Yep, this is pretty much the night time routine I've settled into. Sleep an hour or two, up to do maintenance, and back to bed for another short snooze. It's been a real good thing that I'm a good cat-napper, as I've had no real trouble falling asleep, and then I also awake pretty easy, and as long as I don't let myself get distracted by sitting down to the computer or turning on the TV, it's no great chore to fall back asleep again.

And so yes, by the way, I'm back in Lahaina. Good Friend Marcus is back in town, and will be spending the night Wednesday, and I'll be catching a ride back to Amanda's with him on Thursday.

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." - Ernest Hemingway

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