Thursday, December 22, 2011


Yes indeed!  Hello Dear Friends & Followers.  Yes, it is a wonderful time of year - at least I hope it is for all of you too.  I think we all need a time for Caring and Sharing - it's good for the soul. 

So, I just wanted to take a few moments to wish EVERYONE a MERRY CHRISTMAS & a HAPPY NEW YEAR.  And of course if your personal preferences run in other directions I hope you can enjoy a blessed Hanukkah or Kwazaa or whatever (I know it's not Ramadan just yet...).

I am fortunate to be spending the weekend with my Family (at least most of it, as Carl & Company are in Las Vegas) - four generations from Mom Wall (89) down to little Hailey (4).  Please know that as the year winds down and we prepare to start another, each of you at one time or other will be in my thoughts.  I love you all and GOD BLESS!

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" ~ Bob Hope

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaack! Did ya miss me?

Hello Loyal Fans and Followers (both of you) and other Family, Friends and Folks who may wind up here...  I've dealt with the Aliens, battled my Demons, and gotten my Travel Fix filled for the next couple of months, so I thought it long over due to make an appearance and say, "HELLO"

Those "in the know" are aware that I've recently returned from a TWO MONTH stay on the Mainland.  I have many to thank for that awesome opportunity - but won't do so here, at least not right now.

The photo above was taken at Perris Auto Speedway in California, where I was fortunate to be able to join my Friend JC Agajanian, Jr. to take in some Midget Nationals on the dirt... taking me back to may old ASCOT days.  Good fun, good racing and darned cold out there.

So, as I've said all along, the whole point of this BLOG thing, is to have something to write about, or at least something worth writing about...  and there's the rub...  I'm (fortunately) way past the Cancer thing, and am grateful to have had only 100% clear reports since finishing treatment nearly 3 years ago.  HOORAY.  And as for "Travel News"...  well, I have mixed feelings about that  - and this go-round I relied pretty much on FACEBOOK to cover that saga...  and even there I got lazy, or more to the point was kept just too dang busy having fun, going places and doing stuff.  Mind you, I'm not complaining.

So - the "point" today is, we've come upon the countdown to Christmas once again, and as much of a DISNEY Fan that I am, CHRISTMAS is way big on my list as well.  So, for any of you who might have missed it last year, or anyone who may care to visit it again, here's THE LINK to my last year's posting of the "12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" as presented by Yours Truly.  Enjoy...

“Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves."   ~ Eric Sevareid

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It's not my fault...

Some of you may have been wondering, "What the heck is wrong with Ron - and why hasn't he been Blogging?"  Well, at last I'm here to tell you - IT WASN'T MY FAULT!  I know I've been away, but that was because I was abducted by Aliens and they've only just now returned me to Maui.

Seriously though, it's like I only left yesterday.  And I don't think there'll be any lasting effects, although I have noticed it takes me more time to comb my hair and less time to shave.

"What's it like being abducted", you ask?  Well, rather a bit like traveling... one time you're in one place, and the next you're in another.  People and places seem to come and go faster than one can keep track.  Another interesting aspect was the gathering of large groups from time to time, seemingly like out of the past.

Well that's about all I can tell you for right now, as I'm trying to get acclimated and feel inexorably drawn to the ocean for some hydrotherapy.  I do want to thank my Dear Daughter Amanda for pleading with the Aliens to return me home, in one piece and (mostly) unchanged.

Thanks for checking back, and not giving up...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm Blaming it on the Pirates...

Well Sports Fans - I think we've set a new record... It's been OVER a Month since my last posting here... Where does the time go? And no, I can't really blame the Pirates all that much. So, what's been happening? Let's see - Son Carl paid a visit to see his Sisters; Amanda had her 29th Birthday (OMG); We survived a Tsunami; Experienced the brightest Full Moon in 20 years; I bought an iPhone and have actually been able to use it...; Officially made it to Spring; And I survived a 2 day Child Care experience with 4 Chillin's under 10 (More importantly I think the Kidz did too)!! Ola! And what's new...? About the only thing that comes to mind is they're tearing up the sidewalks here in the neighborhood, well, actually the Driveways, evidently to make them more ADA compliant. Well - I think that's a load of crapola... Not that I'm against improving things for the quality of life of disabled Folks, but come on, all they've done is change the transition in and out of the Driveways by about an inch! Definitely not worth it from my POV. Never mind that we see about 1 wheelchair every two ~ three months... Sorry, but you asked - no, wait, you didn't did you? Next on the horizon (mine anyway) is I'm off to California next Monday! Hurray, Travel Time. Looking forward to seeing my High School Chum and Chief accommodation benefactor JC Agajanian - whom I'll be finalizing our HS Reunion Plans, hopefully checking in with the California Beach BBQ King, Sandy Saemann to get the latest on his HotDoggers venture, and then to take in the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, along with the Hospitality of Sam's Autoland. Oh, and then there's a little side trip to visit long time Friend Marcus DeChevrieux for a weekend at Disneyland (gotta do it). And who knows what all else will come up - as there's never a dull moment on these trips. OK - I've checked in, made a feeble attmept at up-dating ya'll... so until next time, CIAO!

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." -- Mark Twain

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wherever You Go - There You Are...

0 to 2,679 MPH in just under 2 minutes! Now that's movin'...

Even if you haven't become complacent or disinterested in our Space Program you might just have missed this mornings last launch of the DISCOVERY Space Shuttle <<>' Terra Firma to keep me goin'.

For example last night's "fire works" show, compliments of Mother Nature. We had a rip roarin' thunder and Lightning show last night, lasted about 4 hours. The lightning was so bright the light flashes woke me up before the thunder started going off, and when it did it was rattling the glasses in the Kitchen. A local photographer - Sean Hower - got some good shots from up country.

And here's another one that got by me somehow... but Amanda managed to capture it first hand. We darned near had a TORNADO here on Maui last week... That's right, and I'm not kidding, as you can see in this photo. This was shot not far from where she lives in Kahului and yes, that's one of the few Sugar Cane fields left here on Maui.

And more news from Amanda - Tyler had his first T-Ball game recently and I've included a short little video clip here just for chuckles... and check out his Cheerleader "storming" the field!

And more news on the Home Front:

Eye Exam - $25.00

New Glasses - $345.00

No change in RX, no Glaucoma & no Cataracts - Priceless

Yep, had a check-up today and got a good report. Taking Mom to her eye Dr. tomorrow, only she's got some concerns, seems to be issues with blood vessels "leaking" but this is third visit and she seems to be improving so that's good. Alternative is to have injections. Yikes! She doesn't seem too bothered about it, but I gotta tell ya, just the thought of it gives me the willies!

"So, the cross is always ready and waits for you everywhere. You cannot escape it no matter where you run, for wherever you go you are burdened with yourself. Wherever you go, there you are." —Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, ca. A.D. 1440

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another One Came and Went...

Yep, time waits for no one... And for this Aquariun another notch has been added to handle of my life. (Somehow that's supposed to make sense metaphorically speaking...)

As you can tell from the photo I met up with My Mom - Great Grandma, Amanda and her Gang (Kyle's Dad Bert and Sue were visiting from Oregon), Kelly (who took the picture) and her Crew and Grandma/Mom Anne. And Folks, if you do the math that's 4 Generations all there at Ruby's Diner in Kahului.

The week before I'd gotten out on the water a couple of times. On Friday with good Friend Jeff Kaiser, who's Birthday is on the 16th, we got out on SNICKERS, the Lahaina Yacht Club's Olson 30 sailboat.

Now it shouldn't be too hard to tell from the grin on my face, that we were having a good time. After a bit of a "Chinese fire drill" to get out of the Harbor, we finally made it and found good wind, calm seas and whales all around. Pretty good stuff. As it was late in the day and just a wee bit chilly out on the water, I was glad to have my nifty new Vic-Maui, long-sleeved T-shirt, a gift from my good Friend Leon O'Neill (Thanks O'Neill).

OK - I've got a lot of catching up to do... so I'll try and get another post up tomorrow.

"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemingway

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Everybody Loves a Good Dog!"

Well, that's what we want everyone to think anyway...

Well if you might have been wondering what I've been up to lately, or where I've "been," it hasn't been shoveling snow! Nope, I've been working with my old High School Classmate, former Room Mate and long time Friend, Sandy Saemann - on a project of his... HOTDOGGERSTM, Manhattan Beach, CA.

Which is to say, he's planning on opening a Food Service Establishment this coming Spring which will specialize in Cased Meat offerings and California Beach Bar-B-QueTM.

Anyway, I've been busy trying to develop the Social Media aspect side of things... and we've made some humble beginings. Now, you might be wondering why I'm mentioning that here... Well, it's because I'll need some help, and you're the best ones I can ask... Most of you are familiar with Facebook, and many of you are already active on it. One of the features (in case you weren't aware of it) is that once you establish you FaceBook "Profile" you can then set-up one or more FaceBook "Pages." That's what I've done for HOTDOGGERSTM and in order for it to have it's own identity so to speak, I need 25 or more "followers" or people to LIKE it. It's similar to "FRIENDing" someones Personal Profile, only it's mor Business oriented.

So, following along? Mostly this entry here is to explain the new "BADGE" you see here on the LEFT. It's another way to "promote" the HOTDOGGERSTM Page. Now, if you'd care to HELP OUT and "play along" for a bit, please CLICK HERE >> I LIKE HOTDOGGERSTM.

So far it's mostly tongue in cheek... but we'll be getting more serious here shortly, and I could really use your feedback about your experience (how it works) and down the road, about the content. Don't hesitate to contact me directly with any questions, comments or if you encounter any glitches or difficulties... This "should" be EASY!

"You can't predict the future, but you can prepare for it." - Anon