As you can tell from the photo I met up with My Mom - Great Grandma, Amanda and her Gang (Kyle's Dad Bert and Sue were visiting from Oregon), Kelly (who took the picture) and her Crew and Grandma/Mom Anne. And Folks, if you do the math that's 4 Generations all there at Ruby's Diner in Kahului.

The week before I'd gotten out on the water a couple of times. On Friday with good Friend Jeff Kaiser, who's Birthday is on the 16th, we got out on SNICKERS, the Lahaina Yacht Club's Olson 30 sailboat.

Now it shouldn't be too hard to tell from the grin on my face, that we were having a good time. After a bit of a "Chinese fire drill" to get out of the Harbor, we finally made it and found good wind, calm seas and whales all around. Pretty good stuff. As it was late in the day and just a wee bit chilly out on the water, I was glad to have my nifty new Vic-Maui, long-sleeved T-shirt, a gift from my good Friend Leon O'Neill (Thanks O'Neill).
OK - I've got a lot of catching up to do... so I'll try and get another post up tomorrow.
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut." -- Ernest Hemingway
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