Thursday, December 22, 2011


Yes indeed!  Hello Dear Friends & Followers.  Yes, it is a wonderful time of year - at least I hope it is for all of you too.  I think we all need a time for Caring and Sharing - it's good for the soul. 

So, I just wanted to take a few moments to wish EVERYONE a MERRY CHRISTMAS & a HAPPY NEW YEAR.  And of course if your personal preferences run in other directions I hope you can enjoy a blessed Hanukkah or Kwazaa or whatever (I know it's not Ramadan just yet...).

I am fortunate to be spending the weekend with my Family (at least most of it, as Carl & Company are in Las Vegas) - four generations from Mom Wall (89) down to little Hailey (4).  Please know that as the year winds down and we prepare to start another, each of you at one time or other will be in my thoughts.  I love you all and GOD BLESS!

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" ~ Bob Hope

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaack! Did ya miss me?

Hello Loyal Fans and Followers (both of you) and other Family, Friends and Folks who may wind up here...  I've dealt with the Aliens, battled my Demons, and gotten my Travel Fix filled for the next couple of months, so I thought it long over due to make an appearance and say, "HELLO"

Those "in the know" are aware that I've recently returned from a TWO MONTH stay on the Mainland.  I have many to thank for that awesome opportunity - but won't do so here, at least not right now.

The photo above was taken at Perris Auto Speedway in California, where I was fortunate to be able to join my Friend JC Agajanian, Jr. to take in some Midget Nationals on the dirt... taking me back to may old ASCOT days.  Good fun, good racing and darned cold out there.

So, as I've said all along, the whole point of this BLOG thing, is to have something to write about, or at least something worth writing about...  and there's the rub...  I'm (fortunately) way past the Cancer thing, and am grateful to have had only 100% clear reports since finishing treatment nearly 3 years ago.  HOORAY.  And as for "Travel News"...  well, I have mixed feelings about that  - and this go-round I relied pretty much on FACEBOOK to cover that saga...  and even there I got lazy, or more to the point was kept just too dang busy having fun, going places and doing stuff.  Mind you, I'm not complaining.

So - the "point" today is, we've come upon the countdown to Christmas once again, and as much of a DISNEY Fan that I am, CHRISTMAS is way big on my list as well.  So, for any of you who might have missed it last year, or anyone who may care to visit it again, here's THE LINK to my last year's posting of the "12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS" as presented by Yours Truly.  Enjoy...

“Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves."   ~ Eric Sevareid