Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lazy Daze

Well, what looked to be miserable weather never materialized - it's been great. So far this has been a VERY relaxing and not so taxing trip. Haven't seen so much as a drop of rain, although a bit chilly at night day time temps have been in the 70's so ya can't complain about that, and we haven't been chasing around too much. I've been able to help out with a few chores "around the house" which has been fine (mowed the lawns, washed the outside windows, changed a few light bulbs and vacuumed). Kris has her house up for sale, so there's plenty to do. And along the way we've managed to go out for Sushi (with Son Jonathan and his girl friend Nadia), took a tour of South Salem (whoo hoo...), had lunch at a great little Mexican/Salvadorian place near the Riverwalk - downtown, and a "late night" venture last night, that ended up at Applebee's for a little food and beverage. Besides that, we've been lazing around watching movies, which has been just fine. Caught an old classic Hitchcock movie yesterday, CHARADE, with Cary Grant & Audry Hepburn...

Today, AFTER CHURCH, we're going to Orchard Heights for their "famous" Sunday Brunch. Then, with the weather being so great a drive in the country seems in order - to go see "the trees!" Who knows where we'll wind up... but that's the point isn't it? Tomorrow we're heading up to Portland to meet with Cousin Sherry and her Husband Joe, for dinner at SALTY'S, then we're staying the night in Portland, near the Airport as I head down to LA on Tuesday. More later...

"The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." - Franklin P. Jones

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