Even if you haven't become complacent or disinterested in our Space Program you might just have missed this mornings last launch of the DISCOVERY Space Shuttle <<>' Terra Firma to keep me goin'.
And here's another one that got by me somehow... but Amanda managed to capture it first hand. We darned near had a TORNADO here on Maui last week... That's right, and I'm not kidding, as you can see in this photo. This was shot not far from where she lives in Kahului and yes, that's one of the few Sugar Cane fields left here on Maui.
And more news from Amanda - Tyler had his first T-Ball game recently and I've included a short little video clip here just for chuckles... and check out his Cheerleader "storming" the field!
And more news on the Home Front:
Eye Exam - $25.00
New Glasses - $345.00
No change in RX, no Glaucoma & no Cataracts - Priceless
Yep, had a check-up today and got a good report. Taking Mom to her eye Dr. tomorrow, only she's got some concerns, seems to be issues with blood vessels "leaking" but this is third visit and she seems to be improving so that's good. Alternative is to have injections. Yikes! She doesn't seem too bothered about it, but I gotta tell ya, just the thought of it gives me the willies!
"So, the cross is always ready and waits for you everywhere. You cannot escape it no matter where you run, for wherever you go you are burdened with yourself. Wherever you go, there you are." —Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ, ca. A.D. 1440