Bedee, bedee, bedee... that's all FOLKS! And just like that - here we are, 2011 a new year of challenges, adventures, rewards, excitement, disappointments, and who knows what all life will throw at us? Have Faith, believe in yourself and know that God will not burden you with anything you can't handle. BELIEVE THAT, and also remember you have Family & Friends who will gladly help - IF they know you need it, so never be afraid to ask.
LIFE IS GOOD my Friends. Here's wishing EVERYONE a productive, prosperous and pleasant New Year.I do have one little gem I wanted to share, for those of you who might have missed it, or j

ust could care less... but our "friends" at
GOOGLE are among the forefront of those who are CLEVEREST (at least IMHO) managed to come up with one really good one to "ring" in the New Year. If you've been to their Home page recently, you'll have seen their current GOOGLE Marquis or "squiggle" as they call it. But did you bother to wonder just what it meant exactly? Turns out those are the Roman Numerals for 2011! And there you have it!
“Men are afraid to rock the boat in which they hope to drift safely through life's currents, when, actually, the boat is stuck on a sandbar. They would be better off to rock the boat and try to shake it loose.” - Thomas Szasz
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