Nope, if it's Thursday it must be Oregon... Yep, next big trip has started. Left Maui yesterday, Sunny, 78 degrees - arrived Portland last night, raining & 59 degrees when Kris picked me up. Well, OK, to be fair it wasn't raining, but it had been. And actually, so far today it's not too bad, no sun but at least there's been no rain so far.

So, let's back track a bit, and let me up-date you on the weekend's activities. For those of you who may not know, Labor Day Weekend has for the past 20+ years been the occasion of the Oahu Yacht Clubs (Waikiki, Hawaii, and Kaneoe) to have a Race over to Maui on Friday, followed up by an Offshore series on Saturday, here in Lahaina, with a Return to Oahu race on Monday morning.
I had been invited to help out on the Race Committee, which had only been slightly influenced by the fact that the Committee boat was being provided by Kent & Jennette Knowley, COCKTAILS & DREAMS a VERY nice little power boat. Anyway, after a mis-guided start (on my part) at Mala Wharf, I caught a ride with Lars & Marty on the Mark Boat down to the Harbor, where I joined Dan O'Hanlon our PRO, the intrepid & versatile Thumper and the rest of the crew, just in time to get fuel.
Suffice to say, a good time was had by all... we got in two Races, with 16 boats in all, including LYC's very own SNICKERS, who sailed respectably with substitute Helmsman Casey. The overall winner wound up being HEARTBEAT, a bright yellow, tricked out 47 footer owned by long time Friend of LYC Ed McDowell and driven by his Son James (James holds the Vic Maui ET record of 9 Days, 2 Hours, 8 Minutes, 27 Seconds aboard GRAND ILLUSION.
And now Sunday (drum roll please...) was the SOFTBALL GAME, and for reasons which I'm not totally sure of, I was designated as Umpire. This simple team sport has been contested by these two groups for what to many of us seems like "forever," and you'd think it'd be a great way for friendly rivals to
have some fun on a Sunday afternoon... NOT! It winds up being a match of their ringers against our "ringers" and their youth against our "seasoned" veterans. I won't delve into the history more than that, other than to say the two horses asses on the Trophy say a lot about the Game.

LYC Won 14 to 3 (or something like that) and I can honestly say I managed to make un-favorable calls for both teams! It was with little difficulty that two kegs of beer managed to be consumed with little difficulty and everyone was able to get their fill of traditional Hot Dogs, beans, and Maui Potato Chips. Following the game everyone headed back to the Yacht Club for a lively afternoon.
I on the other hand, headed to the other side, to pick up Mom for our afternoon excursion. I wound up getting there earlier than anticipated and so had some time to answer her latest collection of questions, computer issues, and "mysteries" that needed solving... And with that little head start so to speak, we had time to pick-up a lei, and stop by the Veteran's Cemetery, so Mom could visit and put the fresh lei in place.
Along the way up-country we were treated to a brilliant Rainbow, which is always a treat.

We gathered some fresh flowers so Mom could have a bouquet, and then we were off to Makawao Steakhouse for dinner. I would be remiss if I did not give "Mom's" report... First she had a visit to the salad bar of which the Beets got rave reviews. She decided on "a pork chop" because she wasn't all that hungry... Much to her surprise, the chop was colossal, she barely ate 1/3 of it, but had no trouble with the scalloped potatoes or fresh bread that accompanied it.
Kelly and I each had the petite fillet and salad bar, Brooks the all you can eat salad bar, Grayson a hamburger and Maddison a pizza. We all left quite satisfied. And so I took Mom home and headed back to Lahaina as Monday was dedicated to packing and getting ready to go, AND to tell the truth, after that weekend, I was beat!
"Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." - Isacc Asimov
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