The Continuing Saga of the Life and Times of Ronald Lee Wall.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Destination 55 - Day Two Report

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Disneyland, Disneyland & MORE Disneyland

"To all who come to this happy place: - Welcome - Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past ... and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America ... with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." Walter E. Disney July 17, 1955
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
End of Summer & SMOOTH Ride

"If in the process of winning you have lost the respect of your competitors you have won nothing." -- Paul Elvstrom
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ron's Rendevous Round-up
I left you yesterday as we were heading to the Hospitality Tent, dinner and car watching. Well dinner was pulled pork sandwiches, sliced potatoes and salad. Budweiser & Coke products along with bottled water were the bevereges, pretty much all you wanted. A side note of interest (at least to some) was they had the best Porta-Potties I've ever encountered. Carpeted, framed artwork on the walls, porcelin urinal AND flusing toilet, faux granite counter top and hand sink w/ hot & cold water, big mirror, and believe it or not, AIR-CONDITIONED!
Be sure to click on the COLORED links to learn more about anything of interest.
As the sun set the Crusin' Parade was in full swing, open headers, Oldies music and Cars under lights. We were joined early by Paul Peterson (notable for his many years on the Donna Reed show. He and JC had met many years ago, and have become Friends. He is now active as an advocate for child actors and always has a good number of celebrity stories to share. An interesting one this trip was about Jay North (Dennis the Menace) who is now a corrections officer in Florida.
Later in the evening - JC had gone off on a Golf Cart to get up close and personal when a reporter and camerman from San Bernadino local TV IEMG Ch.3 stopped by and wanted to do an interview - so Franci joined Paul and wound up doing about 20 minutes. Ya just never know what's gonna happen at these events.

Out in front of the California Theater (which has just been completely refurbished and is a classic old theater house complete with balcony seating) they had parked several cars from the Peterson Museum, Jim Wagener's THE JUDGE GTO, Hurst's 2010 Dodge Challenger Hemi Series 5 SRT8, and Boyd Cottington's ALUMABODY Million dollar roadster... I've pictures of them in the collection linked below.l
After the Hall of Fame induction ceremony we cruised over to the Hospitality Tent for breakfast burritos (scrambled eggs and churrizo). I managed to get a pretty good sampling of the cars

The evening capped off with a real treat, we were given tickets to see Frankie Avalon, also at the California Theater. I have to tell you the show was good, and Frankie's still got his own hair and coincidentally he was celebrating his 70th Birthday. His youngest Son (he's the Father of 8 children, his oldest is 46) is his drummer, and his lead guitarist is Phil Everly's son...
Sunday was simply returning "home" to Hermosa, just in time to catch the NASCAR race. Ahhh, life is good!
"If you live right, things happen right!" -- Walter Elias Disney
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lake Not So Woebegone

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Headin' Outta Towne...

Sunday, September 12, 2010
So Long Salem... Hello LA!

After that it was over to Cousin Sherry's for a brief visit before heading to SALTY'S on the Columbia river with Sherry, her husband Joe and his Mom visiting from Texas, along with another Cousin, Linda Elaine and her husband John. Linda will be heading to Maui to meet her Mom (Aunt Elaine) and Sister Cece the end of the month. Dinner was a treat as was the terrific sunset. Spent the night at the La Quinta Inn and Kris dropped me off at PDX this morning and it was off to LAX - where JC picked me up. Clear skies and warm weather greeted me upon arrival, so things look promising.
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." - Plato
Lazy Daze
Today, AFTER CHURCH, we're going to Orchard Heights for their "famous" Sunday Brunch. Then, with the weather being so great a drive in the country seems in order - to go see "the trees!" Who knows where we'll wind up... but that's the point isn't it? Tomorrow we're heading up to Portland to meet with Cousin Sherry and her Husband Joe, for dinner at SALTY'S, then we're staying the night in Portland, near the Airport as I head down to LA on Tuesday. More later...
"The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." - Franklin P. Jones
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Toto - we're not in Kansas any more...

So, let's back track a bit, and let me up-date you on the weekend's activities. For those of you who may not know, Labor Day Weekend has for the past 20+ years been the occasion of the Oahu Yacht Clubs (Waikiki, Hawaii, and Kaneoe) to have a Race over to Maui on Friday, followed up by an Offshore series on Saturday, here in Lahaina, with a Return to Oahu race on Monday morning.


Friday, September 3, 2010
Here's a little dose of "cute"...

Well, things are picking up, and it's gonna be a whirlwind from here on I suspect... I'll do my best to keep up and keep you informed. Yesterday was Computer Helper day, assisting Kathy Taylor with "portability" while she's on vacation the next couple weeks. She and Hubby Steve are headed to New York and points East, then back to the High Desert in California for a spell before returning to Maui. Kathy's the volunteer coordinator for the big SBS Golf Tournament out at Kapalua next January (used to be the Mercedes Championship, for years) - if you're a Golf Fan at all and gonna be in the neighborhood (here on Maui) it's a great way to participate. I hear this year entry to the Galleries WILL BE FREE! You heard it hear first.
Then it was off to Office Max to pick up a new printer for Friend Joanie (at Thumper's request) and then to her place in Lahaina to set it up. Mission accomplished. Then dropped off some pieces from my Art Collection as donation items for this years LYC Cancer Tournament Charity Auction on September 26th. ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT THE CLUB - You do not need to be a Member to play. See the August Tale of the Whale for more info...

Today started out with me on the Computer and that got old real quick, so I finished up what I was in the middle of (organizing my Video collection...) and noticed that Marcia was gone and the driveway was clear, so decided to wash the old Marquis so it'd be clean before I left, besides, taking Mom on a little trip up to see Kelly and the Kidz on Sunday, and she can see where Kelly is Horse (spelled correctly) sitting, then to Makawao Steak House for a nice dinner.
After washing the car and overheating a bit, I decided that was all the excuse I needed for a swim, so headed off for the pool, and as always found it to be a very relaxing and therapeutic choice.
Headed back home to attend to some bill paying and getting my affairs in order for my trip, then headed off for a walk into town (and the Yacht Club) to see what was in store for Friday night, with all the Oahu boats in town. Which brings me to tomorrow. Since I've volunteered to assist with the Race Committee (it's much easier than racing...) I'll be heading down to Mala Wharf in the morning to meet Kent Knowley, Dan O'Hanlon and the "others" and expect to spend the day on the water. Always fun, and if the Good Lord's willing, I'll report on that tomorrow, possibly with pictures.
Sunday is our Annual LYC vs. OAHU Yacht Clubs Softball Tournament, which LYC has won 26 of the last 27 games, if you can believe that. Yours truly will be the Umpire for the Game (again, easier than playing...) so you can expect a report on that... though not before Monday afternoon, which will be my "get ready, get set" day. Tuesday is for leftovers and whatever I forgot to do or didn't get done, and then at 4:00pm I have a Membership Meeting at the Yacht Club (we've 5 new prospects this Month) and then over to Amanda's to spend the night, with her taking me to the Airport on Wednesday. And that, as we say... is it for now!
"Learning by experience often is painful- and the more it hurts, the more you learn." - Ralph Banks