The Continuing Saga of the Life and Times of Ronald Lee Wall.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Quiet Time - sorta
Monday had an early start with JC & Franci having an early flight to the Cayman Islands... I drove them to LAX, with their Daughter Amy driving their oldest Son JC III and wife Jennifer and little Baby Allison - this at 6:30am... After double and triple checking everything over the past 18 hours... we still had a minor glitch with JC III realizing they needed the portable crib and had to turn around and go back for it. That was our last glitch however and they still arrived with plenty of time to check in and make it to the Boarding Gate.
Well I promptly returned "home" and then "snuck out of town" and took an un-authorized and un-published trip to Disneyland (Shhh, DO NOT tell a soul...), primarily to do "research" for my Daughter Kelly's proposed trip in September with her Family (and Grandpa gets to tag along...). Tuesday I met O'Neill at Hennessey's near the Redondo Beach Pier for lunch and we went over to the Lifeguard station there to see our old Friend Captian Mike Patterson (Sherry Lyn's Brother) but it turned out to be his day off. Wednesday was laundry and packing, and then over to Friend Sandy Saemann's for Taco's, to watch the Laker game, and to discuss his latest business venture and my developing a Website & Shopping Cart... look for more on that down the road.
And at last we've arrived at Thursday, and thanks to the kindness of Amy, I had a ride to LAX myself at 6:00am in the morning, for a somewhat uneventful flight to Las Vegas...
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou
Thursday, April 29, 2010
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Blame it on a Woman...(Revised)

(Revision #1) Now that I recall, we had an exceptionally splendid BBQ dinner at the Aggie Estate that evening. Francie had been wanting Fish for some time and JC found fresh Mahi Mahi on sale at Hugh's, so that settled the main course.

"The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but the echo can last a great deal longer." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Fast, Faster & Fastest
No real point in name dropping but I had a ball. Saturday was pretty much the same without as many cigars, and topped off by qualifying. After the on track activities CHEAP TRICK was playing in concert over on the Main Stage while Sam served up a traditional Armenian dinner to a crowd of around 150 Family, Friends and Business associates. Following dinner (we'd set-up at 4:00pm) GLASS went on for their first set at around 7:30pm. 2 hours later the evening began coming to a close with the "Kaskanian Singers" joining the Band for a very different rendition of Misserlou sung to Arabic lyrics... The evening ended with Glass's traditional last song of GLORIA, with Chris Agajanian (part of the original Glass band from High School days), joining in for the final number.
Well, it wasn't quite the end, as after JC and the guys went to get their vehicles to come back and pick up their instruments and sound equipment, they couldn't get back in, as the Track Security was bound and determined not to let them back in without the proper parking credentials, which hadn't been a problem in past years. Eventually that got worked out, and a half hour later than anyone intended we were finally packed up and headed home.
Sunday was race day, we had seats in Grand Stand #25 right past the Start Finish Line. All in all it wasn't a terribly exciting or eventful race, but it was still good to be there. If you didn't see it on TV, you probably won't care about hearing much more, and if you did see it, well, there's not much I can say here that you don't already know. So, DASSIT.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday started slow, with not much to do until we left at 1:30pm to head down to the Long Beach World Trade Center to pick up Race Credentials and meet up with the Band. Franci was hosting a group of 20 or so Ladies for a "cooking demonstration" (an excuse to eat food someone else prepared and drink some wine while having a good little gabfest) so she drove down separately - accompanied by one of our LHS Cohorts, Rob Saemann, who will be joining us for Saturday's festivities - Franci then headed back home to drop off Rob and so she could get ready for her party.
JC and I, along with the rest of the Band Members went on to the track to unload the instruments. With four of us, it didn't take long, leaving us time to reward ourselves with a few beers with Sam (JC held to Diet Pepsi and H2O), and also allow Franci and her Ladies to finish their wine. As we were leaving the track we saw chip Ganassi of Target/Chip Ganassi Racing and JC got an invite to stop by the Target Hospitality headquarters which happened to be at the end of the row where Sam's Autoland was. Coincidentally, directly across from Sam's was the Penske Compound, which only added to the energy of the weekend.
Thursday we we're off again early to deal with the Safe Door... which we had to pick-up from "hacks" in Torrance and then drove all the way out to Montebello to "Safeland" a HUGE place with hundreds of safes of every size and description, including a few antiques and one big old one from Israel. Anyway, it too the guy all of five minutes to remove the time delay and reset the lock code - we both agreed it was well worth the drive.
... and at the moment time clouds the rest of the day... so we'll have to move ahead to Friday and Saturday...
"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things that escape those who dream only at night. " Edgar Allen Poe
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Oh, and about the "Technical Difficulties"
Naturally that was a bit alarming, and we immediately shut off the water to the house (disrupting everyone's morning routine) and JC put in a call to the Plumber. Miracle of miracles, he was in the area and said he'd be right over. Which he was, and he promptly replaced the faulty section of copper pipe, which of course took a bit... but he got it done in short order. As soon as it dries up in there the Cable Guy will be back to make his repairs. Problem solved.
So today, JC's off to deliver a prospective Tenant's app to the clearing house, and I'm down here researching Backgammon games... Then around 1:30pm or so this afternoon we're off to Long Beach to collect Credentials for the weekend.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY today to Emily Joyce... Hi Em! She's working to get herself and several fellow Patch Adams Clowns over to Russia, to help out an Orphanage in Moscow... interesting tale, check it out: To Russia With Love If you can, make a small donation to her cause... Oh, I might also mention here that Emily's Grandfather is our Club 33 Benefactor.
"You treat a Disease, you win, you lose. You treat a Person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome." - Hunter "Patch" Adams
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A Couple of Quiet Days

Sunday we thought would be a day of "recovery" and watching the Indy Car race... Well technical difficulties (ours, with the Cable HD TV) compounded that, and made it not all that much fun, and we wound up having to listen to the audio on the Computer live feed. Then we attempted to watch Saturday nights NASCAR race, which JC had Tivo'ed, only to have the timer elapse with 6 laps to go... Oh the frustration.
Following that we dug up 8 or 9 grass "clumps" from a section of his property that the neighbors would be re-landscaping in the next couple of days, yes, it was special grass... Next came the task of re-rigging the canvas screening on the upstairs deck, as both Rain and heavy winds were called for. That became a bigger project than anticipated, but with Franci's help and direction we succeeded in securing the situation. Then we tackled the chore of putting together JC's PLAY LIST (Songs for the two sets to be played on Saturday) book. It took awhile but we finally accomplished that, to everyone's satisfaction.
Yesterday, Monday, we planned out strategy for the week, went and picked up a safe door at one Locksmiths and took it to another, trying to get the time lock removed and combination changed, along with a trip to Sam's Autoland to pick up Credentials for the weekend for the Band. And as we had time to kill along the way, we just had to stop at the largest Asian market in the South Bay area for a little snack. Tomorrow, Wednesday we go down to Long Beach to move in the Band equipment and JC and I will pick-up our All access Credentials while we're down there. Now, just so you know, it most likely will be a couple days before I can get to the weekend Race update, so please bear with me. It's going to be a few long and busy days.
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts." - Albert Einstein
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010
Blue Water Grill & El Torito

"The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives: so thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless when it labors hardest, so noisy and impatient when least effective." -- Henry David Thoreau
Thursday, April 8, 2010
On a Clear Day...

Sunday, April 4, 2010
With all fulfilled, we returned home prepare for the afternoon's gathering. There was Lamb to go in the oven, flags to be flown, Pilaf to prepare, and eggs to be Deviled, dipped and dispersed. The final Menu ended up with this:
Roasted chicken
Oven baked leg of lamb w/ gravy
Deviled Eggs
Quiche appetizers
Green Salad
Pistachio/pineapple ambrosia
Tabouli Salad
Slow cooked Green Beans & Tomatoes
string cheese/rope cheese
Pieta bread
Shrimp platter/ Vegetable tray/ & Baby cucumbers
Humus dip, onion dip, cucumber dip
Red velvet cake
Rob's Sugar-free pies
Bunt cake (rum soaked)
Peep cakes (cupcakes)
Raspberry cheesecake
We wound up with about 28 adults, 2 children and 2 babies. The afternoon was capped off with the unexpected EARTHQUAKE just South of the border which set all the hanging lamps swinging and tongues wagging... but with no real damage, just a little excitement to help everyone digest the wonderful meal. The weather held aside from a little brisk onshore breeze. I'll try to follow-up with some photos here in the next couple of days...
"To Bring up a Child in the Way he should Go, Travel that way yourself once in a while." - Josh Billings
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Racer's Reunion & Bench Racing
It was a treat indeed to be able to get inside and see Parnelli's private collection, including the Agajanian 98 Special, which he drove to victory in the 1963 Indianapolis 500. There were a lot of old Ascot Sprint Car Driver's, mechanics and sponsors there. A disappointment to many was that Honorees Dan Gurney & Al Unser, Sr. were unable to make the event, organized by Hila Sweet (the first woman licensed to race by NASCAR).
I managed to enjoy a couple of Tecate's along with an excellent Mexican buffet while JC conducted a 45 minute raffle, which just about everyone there wound up with a bottle or two of LUCAS Oil products or vintage car books.
Wrapping up around 3:00pm, we were off once again to COSCO for last minute items for the Easter party on Sunday. Being unable to find the requisite Vegetable Tray and Humus, we made an additional trip to Von's so we wouldn't have to venture out further. Which was a good thing, because upon returning home, JC & Franci's oldest Son JC III, wife Jen & Baby Ali had arrived from San Diego, and shortly after, youngest Son David, also from SD showed up. Being that we'd all have to be up early for Easter Sunrise Service at Hope Chapel in the morning, it was early to bed (well, at least it was for me...)
"Change your Thoughts, and you Change your World." - Norman Vincent Peale
Friday, April 2, 2010
Settled into the South Bay
Why twice now we've even been able to see Catalina, I mean, like it's right there, almost a part of the Palos Verde Peninsula, even I know you don't see it all that often. And man oh man is the time flying... I can hardly keep track of all that's gone on. I can tell you that I spent one day orchestrating the assembly a storage shed with Nick the Handy Man, another helping JC plant tomatoes, and day before yesterday I "set out" over 120 Red and Yellow (Go SC) geraniums and some type of "fire" plant. Yesterday JC & I packed up his collection of ceramic, race car designed decanters as part of preparations for Sunday's Easter Family gathering here - of over 30 Family and Friends...
Also, we've been to COSCO twice, Home Depot twice, Sports Authority, Vons, Albertsons, and the Fishing supply store for Propane. I've been in touch with Friend Marcus and we've sorted out plans for next week - and also with Aunt Elaine (thank you Cece & Claudia) for a short visit there. Yesterday I finally finalized arrangements to continue both my Dental (HDS) and my Health (Kaiser) insurance (I've no idea what President Obama has in store for us) which has taken some doing... AND got some good news from my old Boss, Jim Killett; they've decided to end the Company ESOP program so I'll be seeing a couple $$$ a few years earlier than expected, which will be nice.
Well, today is more shopping, more errands and more cleaning... Then this evening JC and I are off to Brixton's in Redondo Beach for Al Stewart in concert. Al Stewart is a British singer-songwriter and folk rock musician. He is best known for his 1976 single "Year of the Cat" and its 1978 follow-up "Time Passages" (both of which were produced by Alan Parsons). JC's a Music buff, and had tickets, so we hadda go...

Before we get to the "Story of Stuff" I just wanted to acknowledge the painting above that has been at the Head of my Blog for the past few days. "SUNRISE AT MALA" is by a Friend and Lahaina Galleries Artist, Ronaldo Macedo, which he actually painted "plein air" a couple months ago directly in front of my house in Lahaina. I happened to see him out there on the very day he started it. It was low tide, and Yep... that's what it looks like.
OK, so now to The Story of Stuff or the Reality of Consumerism and what it's costing. (FYI - it's 21 minutes so grab a cup of coffee or a beer, sit back, relax and take it in.
I came across this very informative and somewhat disturbing video on U-Tube the other day, and after watching it, got more involved and did some digging, which wasn't difficult as at the end of the 20 minute clip, showed the website dedicated to this subject. Friends, I have to tell you, this is a MUST SEE information video, and I further encourage you to send it to "EVERYONE" you know. NO, I don't just mean blast your address book with another spam barrage, but it is something that we all need to deal with. It's not just another "global warming" pitch to blame Nature's idiosyncrasies on Man's evolution and self destructive tendencies, but it does focus on the effects of a selfish "minority" that in one way or other actually is a part of most all of us.
And to be fair (and keep my Cousin Ron Ralston at bay...) Fox News has taken exception so some of Ms. Leonard's stats... Questionable Numbers They raise some good points, but none the less - We as a whole WASTE way too much... and that's Alls I gotta say!
OK - it's back off the Soap Box for me, and back on the Travelogue...