Well, here “we” are… Saturday morning – 23 Radiation Sessions done, 12 more to go; and I‘ve gotta tell you, I feel a whole heck of a lot better than I did this time last week. Fact is, right at the moment I feel great. Seems only fitting though, that with pain management under control, and a suitable mouth moisture management methodology in place, that I’d have something new manifest itself.
Herbitox finger sores. Side of the fingernail, about mid-point a
long the cuticle what first appears as a small pus filled pimple, accompanied by tender red swelling, grows into an inflamed oozing sore. How fun! With the thumb and for finger on my right hand in full bloom, and a couple coming along on my left, darned if one didn’t break out on the big toe on my right foot. (Hope no one is too grossed out by these photos; just trying to share for th ose who want to know, as many of you have indicated that you do.)
The photo below was taken earlier, AFTER I'd discovered the AQUAPHOR ointment, so it's a
little red, but nothing like what is was two days before, when it was REALLY red and SORE. Again, mostly these pics are included to document this treatment process and to test my ego, as they're not the most flattering... The Doctor has flatly told me NO MORE SHAVING, as they don't want anything more than is already happening to inhibit the treatments. Evidently even a THIN film of lotion or ointment can really disrupt the Radiation.
I've managed to settle into pretty much 1 1/2 ~ 2hr., sleep sessions at night. That's about all the time that I can go without attending to the "dry mouth" and if it goes completely dry, OMG now that is PAIN. The trade off there however is, it's been a good thing for everyone. Both Tyler and Hailey are still young enough that they wake up "in the middle of the night" and require a little attention (and often more) before drifting back to sleep. Naturally they've become dependent on Mom & Dad for that. Having become somewhat of an intruder to this nightly routine (an apparently welcome one I might add), I can't help but want to lend a hand where and when I can.
Not unlike most parents of toddlers, both Kyle and Amanda seem to often be sleep deprived, a syndrome everyone works out one way or other. So, with my being up at all weird hours of the night, it's very easy for me to be the first responder. However, that's only one side of the equation. And no matter how much they enjoy Grandpa during the day - seeing him looming in the dark isn't necessarily well received, especially with 18 month old Hailey, who's fine with a bottle of milk from Mom or Dad, but becomes hysterical and inconsolable it neither of them appears crib side.
To be brief here, this has gradually been changing with both of them becoming more receptive to Grandpa's comfort, allowing Amanda & Kyle to get a few extra hours of sleep here and there. Tyler mostly will want something to drink, a glass of water, Hailey instead wants to be held. Well, two nights ago, she was actually content to sit (and fall back asleep) with me on the couch, and Tyler's been content with me fetching the water. So last night, being the clever fellow I (think) I am, when Hailey whimpered around 1:30am, I took her a bottle of milk, which she was content to drink and go back to sleep. Thinking I'd get "one up" on things while I was up anyways, I took a glass of water in for Tyler, expecting him to awaken in an hour or two. Which he did, so in I went, snatched the water off the night table, and what does the Dear boy say? "Milk Grandpa!"
Tonight's the (Lahaina Yacht Club's) Commodore's Ball, our annual social event, and I'm excited to be feeling well enough to attend, and happy to have Amanda as my "Date!" The Kids are at the Beach right now, so I'm off to the shower to get ready. I should have a full report of the evening's festivities for tomorrow's report. Coincidentally, across the street from the Club, is Lahaina Galleries Front Street location, with this weekend being their Annual ART OF ALOHA celebration, with many of their "heavy hitters" attending. As I undeerstand it, hopes are high for a successful event, and Amanda and I might just pop in there (even though it's a private showing affair) just to say Hello to a few of the Attending Artists, Owners Jim & Nancy Killett, and a few of the Sales Staff. Heck, after nearly 20 years you got to acknowledge Folks you've been through so much with, and wish them well.
"If you only look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything. If you look instead at only what you do have, you have everything." - (Anon)
Herbitox finger sores. Side of the fingernail, about mid-point a

The photo below was taken earlier, AFTER I'd discovered the AQUAPHOR ointment, so it's a

I've managed to settle into pretty much 1 1/2 ~ 2hr., sleep sessions at night. That's about all the time that I can go without attending to the "dry mouth" and if it goes completely dry, OMG now that is PAIN. The trade off there however is, it's been a good thing for everyone. Both Tyler and Hailey are still young enough that they wake up "in the middle of the night" and require a little attention (and often more) before drifting back to sleep. Naturally they've become dependent on Mom & Dad for that. Having become somewhat of an intruder to this nightly routine (an apparently welcome one I might add), I can't help but want to lend a hand where and when I can.
Not unlike most parents of toddlers, both Kyle and Amanda seem to often be sleep deprived, a syndrome everyone works out one way or other. So, with my being up at all weird hours of the night, it's very easy for me to be the first responder. However, that's only one side of the equation. And no matter how much they enjoy Grandpa during the day - seeing him looming in the dark isn't necessarily well received, especially with 18 month old Hailey, who's fine with a bottle of milk from Mom or Dad, but becomes hysterical and inconsolable it neither of them appears crib side.
To be brief here, this has gradually been changing with both of them becoming more receptive to Grandpa's comfort, allowing Amanda & Kyle to get a few extra hours of sleep here and there. Tyler mostly will want something to drink, a glass of water, Hailey instead wants to be held. Well, two nights ago, she was actually content to sit (and fall back asleep) with me on the couch, and Tyler's been content with me fetching the water. So last night, being the clever fellow I (think) I am, when Hailey whimpered around 1:30am, I took her a bottle of milk, which she was content to drink and go back to sleep. Thinking I'd get "one up" on things while I was up anyways, I took a glass of water in for Tyler, expecting him to awaken in an hour or two. Which he did, so in I went, snatched the water off the night table, and what does the Dear boy say? "Milk Grandpa!"
Tonight's the (Lahaina Yacht Club's) Commodore's Ball, our annual social event, and I'm excited to be feeling well enough to attend, and happy to have Amanda as my "Date!" The Kids are at the Beach right now, so I'm off to the shower to get ready. I should have a full report of the evening's festivities for tomorrow's report. Coincidentally, across the street from the Club, is Lahaina Galleries Front Street location, with this weekend being their Annual ART OF ALOHA celebration, with many of their "heavy hitters" attending. As I undeerstand it, hopes are high for a successful event, and Amanda and I might just pop in there (even though it's a private showing affair) just to say Hello to a few of the Attending Artists, Owners Jim & Nancy Killett, and a few of the Sales Staff. Heck, after nearly 20 years you got to acknowledge Folks you've been through so much with, and wish them well.
"If you only look at what you do not have in life, you don't have anything. If you look instead at only what you do have, you have everything." - (Anon)
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