Hokey Smokes... how fast can one week go???
Mousekateer Role Call, Sound off Please -
& RON!!
Hokey Smokes... How fast can one week go? Here it is Friday and the Maguire Family is off to Reno to visit Papa Joe and Family before heading back to Maui. I think they all would have enjoyed more time here in the Magic Kingdom, but it's a long (read that expensive) way to come from Maui and Kelly felt she needed to make the most of their visit.
We had a real surprise with Carl & Wendy showing up, with only a slight hitch in that the Maguire's managed to miss their flight, and had to take a later one. Fortunately the red-eye got them here. Monday we hit the decks running... but wait, that'll have to wait - the clock's still tickin' for me, and I'm off to meet JC & Franci, two of their Kidz - David & Amy and Friends and old stalwart, Marcus for 0ne more Disney Day (and yes, lunch at Club 33) and a Mickey Halloween evening.
I've got tons of photos of the Maguire's week, and will no doubt have more from today's excursion, PLUS even more pics concerning the D-23 Scavenger Hunt - and will follow that up down the road. And so Dear Friends, I must dash... but remember:
"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria." -- Ben Franklin