Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer starts when???

OK - I suppose you've all been looking at my RANT about losing this original post... mostly what I was talking about was the different DATES I'd come across as for when the Summer Solstice or "First Day" of Summer actually was.

Part of that was inspired by this photo, and of course the time of year. However, now that it's come and gone (awhile ago actually, as I write this it's mid-July) there doesn't seem to be much point.

These two photos were leading up to the one above, and a good example of how, by being patient and waiting until AFTER the Sun has actually gone down that the real color starts to appear.

Now, the "some facts that I’ve been reading about" were just that... things I'd come across here and there while trying to figure out when the actual Solstice was to transpire. I found them interesting, and thought others might too...

The sun is more excited now than in the past 1,150 years.

Solar cycle #24 will be the most violent ever (peaking in 2012) and Mercury’s magnetic field is expanding as a result

Venus is displaying a brightness that’s 2500% greater than normal.
Mars & Earth are showing great global warming (there are no cars on Mars).

Jupiter’s plasma clouds are 200% brighter.

Saturn’s jet streams are acting uncharacteristically.

Uranus is creating clouds with an ability to not do so!

Neptune has shown a 40% increase in brightness since 1996.

Pluto has increased 3.6 degress F even while moving away from the sun.

"It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them." Pierre Beaumarchais

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Happiness Happenings

OK, as promised and for no particular reason... here's some "Hot Scoop" for all you Disney Fans...

To start with, I've got REALLY GOOD NEWS, here's a link to watch the complete "Star Tours" ride at Disneyland, just Click on STAR TOURS VIDEO. (Be sure to watch it FULL SCREEN.)

But then, I've also got REALLY BAD NEWS, they'll be closing it down very soon, both at Disneyland and Walt Disney World. Why you say??? Well, this explains it best: STAR TOURS TO CLOSE.

This is not particularly new news, it's been out there for a long time, I just thought it worth sharing for any of you who might not have been aware... now you are.

The big flap right now is the premier (actually it was on June 11th) is the new WORLD OF COLOR light and water show at Disney's California Adventure. And one of the best insights into this new show, and all the other things going on at DCA can be found at this new Website for the BLUE SKY CELLAR, the Imagineer's Workshop. Start by clicking on the WHAT'S NEW post-it.

And while we're on the subject, one other thing I want to share some more on, is my trip to the Disney Burbank Studios back in May. I came across this excellent photo essay on MICE CHAT for the D-23 Studio Tour. I reported about it here a little, back on April 11th, if you care to check, but check out this report on Mice Chat, as it covers the Tour and Much, much more.

Some of you know this already, but I'm heading back to Southern California, AND Disneyland this coming September; There's a D-23 Event at the Disneyland Hotel, some Family time and another Club 33 get-together... with the icing on the cake (actually it'll be Desert First) being a visit with Kris in Oregon on the way there. DASSIT for today... oh, and in case you missed it... Denny Hamlin and the FedEx #11 continue to dominate in NASCAR with a win today at Michigan International Speedway.

"I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Well it had been quiet...

Whoa! Things were seeming pretty quiet around here until our big Brush Fire above Maalea Harbor last week! It started out as a fairly small and remote fire, up on the hillside late on Monday night. By Tuesday morning it was seemingly under control but then flared up later in the day, and again Maui's wonder Firefighters got it tamed down until the winds picked up again. By Wednesday morning it was roaring and caused the highway (the one road connecting Lahaina to the Other Side) to be closed. This photo (courtesy of Michael Day - a Friend of Amanda's) was taken from off-shore Kihei and is one of the best I've seen. Had a few Friends stuck on one side or the other as a result - but no one was hurt. There was quite a bit of acreage scorched belonging to Spencer Homes (Amanda's former Employer) and pretty serious damage to their water line, but it was as yet un-developed land, another good thing.

Now, today's "big news" is it's KAMEHAMEHA DAY, which here in Hawaii is a pretty big deal. King Kamehameha is credited with uniting all the Hawaiian Islands, and is thought of as Hawaii's greatest Kings. One of the interesting aspects of this Holiday, is it's celebrated at a different time on each of the Islands! Today was the big Parade in Lahaina, resplendent with Pa'au Riders - Lovely Ladies draped in festive flowers and flowing gowns on horseback.

And I'm afraid that's about all I've got right now... like I said, it has been quiet... well, other than planning and booking my "next trip!" I'll have more on that tomorrow, with a SPECIAL report, not to be missed by any of you Disney Fans out there... CHEERS!

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." - John Wooden