Anyone who ever knew Dad or had even met him for the briefest of moments, knew him as a kind and gentle soul, always with a ready smile and a quick wit. He taught me more than I could ever pass on in two lifetimes, and always set a high level of achievement to strive for.
We had only a short time before completed the Folks move from their home of over 63 years, in North Hollywood, California to the Island of Maui, in Hawaii where I live, along with two of their Granddaughters and 4 of their Great Grand Children. Dad along with Mom had the opportunity to tour around and see parts of the Island, and visit with Family and meet many new Friends.
Unfortunately Dad brought along with him some health issues from California, which ultimately compounded and were just too much for him to cope with. We all know that Dad is in a better place now, and joins many of our Family and his Friends who have gone before him.
We ask that your Prayers be for Mom, Dorothy May Wall, and that any Donations (please no Flowers) or bequests be made to the Braille Institute, where Dad served as a Volunteer for over 30 years.
Office of Development & Planned Giving Braille Institute of America, Inc.741 North Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, California 90029Phone: 1-800-BRAILLE (272-4553), Ext. 1238FAX: (323) 663-1428E-mail