OK, so this time I probably do deserve all the "bad things" you've all been thinking, and YES, I've been a lazy, no account, bum. Guilty as charged. So, let's see what I can do to make up for it. First, I hope everyone entitled had a GOOD FATHER'S DAY! I did, heard from all three Kids who each have their own Father issues to contend with, and I think everyone managed nicely. I talked to Mom today and I know she and Dad had a very enjoyable visit from Claudia and Aunt Elaine. Nice quiet dinner, then home for Apple pie and Vanilla Ice Cream!
Actually I arrived back on Maui Tuesday night, after a little delay getting out of LAX and without my Carry-on (Gate checked it) which had my trusty Igloo and my medications. Wasn't the end of the world and good ol' Hawaiian Airlines had it for me first thing the next morning.
I spent a couple days at Amanda's relaxing and enjoying the little cherubs Tyler & Hailey before heading over to Lahaina.
You can see it this photo, the two water lily blossoms were here to greet me, along
with Marcia and Steve, a pile of mail, and needing to tweak Marcia's computer. "Welcome home, Ron!" I was happy to find that none of my plants or pets had died... which is one great advantage of not having any plants or pets, which keeps things simple. Pearl started right up, and my current registration was here waiting for me, along with the bill to renew the insurance. Ahhh, life is good.
Well, I have a feeling the next couple weeks will fly by and before I know it, I'll be hopping back on the plane to fly back to LA. I've got a busy schedule already with Blood Tests, 2 CAT scans, and appointments with Doctor's Gilbert, Newman and Coty, and then I also need to see my ol' Friend (and Dentist) Dwight Mounts - as I had a crown come loose in LA, and all this medication leaves my mouth feeling funky, so I want to get the ol' Chomper's cleaned and checked over.
Seems like I should have a go at backtracking and covering all the adventures and experiences I had these past two months, but then, I'm not sure I can keep up with what's going on here now, much lest what's already "old news..." So, I guess we'll see... Thanks to everyone who's been following, and for those of you who've made me feel worthwhile, and let me know you care. It means the world, and I'm humbled to have so many good Friends and such a wonderful Family. I love you all, you are truly my most valuable "possessions."
"Never mistake motion for action." Ernest Hemingway