Please, make no mistake, I'm not trying to turn this around to get the focus off of me (well maybe a little), I'm just telling it like it is.
So, where've I been you might be asking...? Well, I left Maui on April 14th! (YIKES - that was almost a whole month ago already.. Oh my!) I flew into LAX, and went for a visit with my High School Friend JC Agajanian, Jr., and spent the week and weekend involved with the Long Beach Grand Prix (They're a little prissy about it, it's acutally The Grand Prix of Long Beach - as it was pointed out frequently). The photo to the right shows how the track looked from the Grandstands (looking LEFT into Turn #1 - the Start/Finish would be off to
...And so OK, there's more I want to say, and have to share, but I'm getting interrupted, so I'm gonna post this now... and I'll be back to continue on... Honest, I promise...