So, it is with that premise in mind, that I'm launching myself into this attempt at Blogging, or in other words, publicly blathering about whatever seems to come to mind, at the moment, and leaving it to the reader to determine it's value, or lack there of... and so returning or not, for future installments.
I'd love to have your feedback, input, questions or whatever - just something to reinforce my hopes that there actually is someone out there, who for any particular reason at all, has found it worthwhile to visit...
The two recurring themes I hope to focus on are, #1 The Title Line = "Not all who Wander are Lost." It's a quote from The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, and one very dear to my heart. Those of you who know me, will relate. Those of you who don't, well, you should get the gist if you read along for any length of time, as I'll be sharing little tid-bits encountered whilst I wander! #2 My Screen Name = "KNOWSALOT." Let it suffice to say, I do "know a lot," but I definitely do NOT KNOW IT ALL! The point here is, unshared knowledge , is wasted knowledge. So, from time to time, or as requested, I'll be sharing things some readers may not know.
I keep six honest serving men They taught me all I knew: Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling